Self-pampering and relaxation do not need any reason. You can indulge in these things whenever you feel like doing so. An hour of a stress-free spa session can relax your entire body from head to toe. These days, there are various types of skin treatments and massage sessions that can help you in more than one way. Here, we tell you some of the health benefits that come with a happy self-pampering.

Boosts blood circulation

Good blood circulation is significant for many reasons. A good spa session has been found to manipulate your soft tissues and boost the production of certain chemicals like serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins. Your body secretes these chemicals as a response to the relaxation. This is what causes improve blood circulation in the system.

Reduces stress and anxiety

During a spa session, a measured pressure is exerted on your body to make you feel relaxed. This results in reduced blood pressure, low breathing rate, and reduced secretion of the stress hormone. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, a spa session helps in boosting the secretion of happy hormones called serotonin that is known to de-stress your mind and ease muscle tension. This clearly means that psychological issues like stress, anxiety, and depression can be alleviated through massage therapy.

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