When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, there can be more to it than just eating right and getting enough exercise. This can be especially true if you’re dealing with a health issue, or suffer from chronic pain or inflammation. At times, diet and exercise may not be enough to feel your best, or meet your health goals. In these kinds of situations, trying superfoods or supplements may help give you the boost you need.

What Is Chlorella?

One superfood that may really pack a punch when it comes to nutrients and amino acids is chlorella, which is a type of algae that grows in freshwater. Not only that, but it may be one of the most nutrient dense superfoods available. The most common way to ingest it is in powder or pill form, however, the main thing that seems to make chlorella so effective may be chlorella growth factor. This growth factor is contained within the nucleus of a chlorella cell, and is what helps it to grow and reproduce rapidly. While many still take standard chlorella for its health benefits, people seem to be increasingly interested in the health benefits of the growth factor on its own.

Energy Boost

One top benefit that some may experience from taking this growth factor is an increase in energy. It is believed that part of the reason that this growth factor is able to boost energy is because it can be easily absorbed by your cells, and cuts down on the work that your body would normally have to do to process nutrients and use them. This way, you can get nutrients and other things that your cells need without your body having to expend as much effort to get them, which can result in increased energy.

Aids in Detoxing

Another benefit is the detox potential that this substance has. This may be due to a substance it contains called glutathione, which is able to bind to heavy metals and pesticides, and convert them into substances that can be excreted by your body. Often, having excess amounts of these kinds of substances could potentially lead to a myriad of health issues, as well as other less serious things like a decrease in energy, or an impaired ability to lose weight. Flushing them from your body may not only help you feel better in the short term, but can possibly help your body to function better over time as well.

Growth and Repair

It shouldn’t be a surprise that since this growth factor can not only help chlorella cells grow and heal, it may be able to help your cells do the same as well. Its tissue healing potential can be helpful not only to help improve your overall well being, but can be a good option for athletes or those that would like to recover quickly from a tough workout. Additionally, there is some evidence to support the idea that it may give your immune system a boost, and may have some anti-inflammatory properties as well, which could be because of the high levels of chlorophyll that it contains

The Takeaway

At times, even when you are doing everything right, it may feel difficult to reach your health or wellness goals without some kind of aid. In this situation, seeking out superfoods to include in your routine could help you to reap many benefits.

So, whether you’re interested in detoxing your body, increasing your metabolism, or are simply looking for an energy boost to get you through the day, trying out this growth factor may have what you need, and could potentially provide the benefits you’re looking for.