From Booker –  – As a local spa owner, the multitude of challenges you face day-to-day — keeping clients happy, keeping your masseuses busy, maintaining a high staff morale, ensuring inventory is stocked —never seems to end. However, arguably one of the most challenging aspects to running any successful business is coming up with effective ways to attract new clients.

With the new year starting, you now have the perfect opportunity to start fresh with your spa marketing ideas.

Below we’ll go through 19 of our most effective spa marketing tips to help your kick off 2017 on a high note!

1. Keep Your Website Updated

Your website is one of the first impressions you’re able to make to a new client, and we all know how important a good first impression can be — especially for a spa. Now’s the time to take stock of your current website and make sure you’re including the following:

a) High resolution photos of your spa, your staff and happy clients (provided they’ve allowed for you to use their picture) enjoying your services. As with your social media pages, it’s important to visually show why clients want to visit your spa.

b) Easily to access information on all your services, pricing, and any specials you may be currently running.

c) The ability to book an appointment easily and seamlessly straight from your website.

2. Post Photos On Your Social Media Pages

If you’re not doing this already, you really need to be. Social media pages give spa owners a free opportunity to promote their business through words and pictures. Stop just telling potential, new clients why they should start coming to your spa. Show them! Take photos of your facilities, show the difference you make in each client’s life — the time and effort you put into making them feel beautiful both inside and out. Make sure you utilize all the big social media sites such as:

a) Facebook

b) Twitter

c) Instagram

Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words.

3. Share Your Promotions on Social Media

Not only do your social media pages represent a good place to share images, but they also are a great channel to get the word out about any specials or promotions going on at the spa. You put time and effort into crafting fun and enticing promotions to help drive clients through the door. So, make sure they get the attention they deserve. Always share ongoing or upcoming promotions on your social pages to get them across a large audience in a small amount of time.

4. Online Directories – Get Your Spa Listed

It’s 2017 now, and you’ll probably find that it’s a little difficult finding those massive phone books. Instead, your clients turn to online directories such as Google My Business and Yelp to connect them with local businesses in their area. In fact, about 88% of clients say they check online reviews on directories before ever stepping foot into a business’ brick-and-mortar. So, if your spa isn’t listed, and/or you haven’t been monitoring your online reviews… start doing so, now!

5. Offer Convenient Booking Methods

Convenience is king. It’s one of the most important things a client will look for when choosing a spa to attend. Now, booking an appointment over the phone? Not the most convenient way of doing things for your clients. Think about it — during the majority of your open hours your clients are working. It can be a hassle for them to break away and make that phone call. What’s more convenient for your clients is to give them the ability to book an appointment at your spa, online. This way they can book an appointment when is most convenient for them, and it only takes them a second to do. With the right online booking system, clients have the ability to book an appointment straight from…

a) Your Website

b) Your Online Listing Profiles

c) Your Social Media Pages

Make booking an appointment as quick and painless as possible.

6. Create a Blog Powered By Your Spa

A blog gives you the ability to really show off your spa’s personality and knowledge in the industry. Here you can share your advice on body care and new esthetic trends. A blog is also a good place to give or discuss any product reviews (especially those you sell). Many successful spas utilize blogs as a means for generating extra attention and getting a conversation going their clients… plus it can be a lot of fun!

7. Form Partnerships with Other Local Businesses

As a business owner, sometimes it can feel like you’re marooned all on your own on some desert island. However, it’s important to note that you are never alone. You’re part of the local community and believe it or not there are other business owners who are always there to help. Consider swapping promotional materials with other local businesses you think your clients frequently visit. You can even try to establish exclusive promotions between your spa and another local business in your area. Some smart local businesses for spas to partner up with are…

a) Hair salons

b) Local health foods stores

c) Local gyms

d) Nail spas (if you don’t offer nail services)

8). Create a First-Time Visit Special

Getting new clients to your spa can be as simple as making every client’s first visit special – literally and figuratively. Welcoming first-time clients with some sort of “first-visit special” is the perfect way to warmly open your arms to new clients.

For example, try something like: receive $10 off your first visit. All you have to do is make sure you’re providing any potential, new clients with a little extra incentive to step through your doors. Use these first-time specials as a means to give clients, who might have been slightly unsure, ample motivation for giving your spa a try.

9. Offer Last Minute Specials

For times or days that you know are usually slow, it’s a great idea to spice things up with special, daily promotions. Make these promotions an “act fast” item. Set the promotion up during your slow times and blitz it out across your social media pages, website, and email lists. Watch how you can turn a systematically slow time for your spa into a profitable one.

10. Offer Monthly Specials

Every new month comes with the opportunity to freshen things up at your spa. Consider creating a new monthly special at your every month. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, the point here is just to generate a little buzz, and give clients something to be excited about. Try something like $5 of your next cut during the month of January, or 10% off your first blowout in February. Remember — these don’t have to be anything crazy, just something for clients to appreciate. A little buzz can go a long way in terms of attracting more clients to your spa.

11. Offer New Product Bundles

You can’t always reinvent the wheel. In some instances, to attract more clients, you don’t have to. Maybe you don’t have any new treatments or services this month – and that’s okay! You can easily work with what you have and essentially make something new from that. Think new product bundles.

If you’re like most spas, you make a substantial amount of profits from the retail you sell. Consider pairing some products together and creating some product bundles. If you already do this switch some items within each around to get a combination that’s new.

12. Give out Sample Gifts with Purchases

Staying with a retail focused mentality here — consider giving away a free sample gift with purchases from time to time. This marketing idea works to benefit both you and your clients.

For clients – Everyone loves getting free stuff. This makes clients feel like you’re treating them to something special and will respond to your generosity with loyal re-bookings.

For you – Giving away samples are the perfect way for you to test out new products with your clients. For example, before ordering a new shampoo in bulk to sell, you just order a few to sample out. If clients enjoy the new product THEN you move forward with stocking your shelves with it. This will help you be smarter with the money you spend on inventory.

13. Create and Distribute Punch Cards to Clients

It can be difficult attracting new clients to your spa, but that’s only half the battle. The other half is making them stay and come back. A great way to do so is by creating a punch card loyalty program.

Step 1: The way this works is that one visit = one punch. So, first, you want to decide how many punches will equal a reward. Try to make it a ‘clean’ number such as multiples of 5.

Step 2: Once you’ve chosen the number of punches/visits it takes, it’s time to choose what you will reward your clients’ loyalty with. For example it can be something like — $20 off next visit, half off next visit, or maybe even next visit free. Remember — the more compelling your loyalty reward is, the higher chance you’ll have of keeping clients coming back.

Step 3: Hand your punch cards out like candy. A client comes in for a massage? Give them a punch card. A client comes in for consultation? Give them a punch card. The more people who get their hands on your punch cards, the more success you will be at building client loyalty and generating repeat clients.

14. Start a Referral Program

Start accessing your clients’ network of friends by implementing a referral program. Referral programs are great for encouraging new business. In fact, the New York Times reported in a recent survey that business owners reported about 65% of their new clients were generated through referral programs.

The key to a successful referral program is to push incentives that are both enticing, yet simple. For example, maybe you try something such as: $10 off your next visit, for both you and a friend, if you refer a friend. Bottom line, give your current clients incentives to bring new clients to your business for you. They’re a great source you should never underestimate.

15. Start Up a Monthly Newsletter

Emailing your clients a monthly newsletter is the perfect way for your spa to stay top-of-mind and remind clients to come pay (literally) you a visit. Important things to always include in your newsletter are as follows:

Current positive customer testimonials
Current specials and promotions
Visuals of services, products, and/or happy clients

16. Capitalize on Holidays 

What do you think is more compelling? Bland, generic promotions or fun and interactive themed ones? Themed promotions are a great way to help your spa’s specials to stand-out from the sea of competitor’s promotions. Infusing your promotional ideas with a fun seasonal theme works to make specials you create better resonate with your clients. Some big holidays that are coming up are…

a) Valentine’s Day
b) St. Patrick’s Day
c) Easter
d) Mother’s Day
e) Father’s Day
f) Prom

17. Always Promote Gift Certificates

Especially keeping holidays in mind, gift certificates play an important part to the success of any local spa. Think about it — gift certificates are the perfect gift to give for both you and your clients.

For clients — Gift certificates are the perfect gift for last minute shoppers. Additionally, they are the perfect gift for clients that might know their loved one wants a spa day or one of your products, but doesn’t know what to exactly get (i.e. perfect for husbands for anniversaries).

For you — Gift certificates are guaranteed money for your spa. You’ve already made the purchase, so if clients forget to redeem, your money is already in the bank.

18. Always Be on Top of the Newest Local Trends and Fads

It’s important to know the newest trends in the industry, but it’s almost more important to know what’s hot in your own backyard. As the owner of a spa, it’s important to know the new activity surrounding the spa industry and what new products are being used by your competitors.

19. Keep the Shop Spotless

This may seem like a simple one, but it’s important to note nonetheless. A messy or dirty spa can be a major turn off to clients. Just be sure your spa always has a clean and tidy appearance.

Did you find these spa marketing tips helpful? We hope so! Notice we missed something? Leave a comment below of your best tip!

Aditi Vora

Aditi Vora

Senior Manager of Content at Booker Software

Aditi Vora is a skilled digital marketer with a passion for content marketing and exploring new and fun ways to keep her audience informed and engaged. She’s currently the Senior Manager of Content at Booker Software.

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