The Global Wellness Summit (GWS), the foremost gathering of international leaders in the $4.5 trillion global wellness economy, has launched its 2nd series of podcast interviews. Recorded live during the organization’s 2020 Wellness Trends media event in New York City earlier this year, the new series includes a deep dive into key wellness trends with VP of Research & Forecasting, Beth McGroarty. Don’t miss her insights on “True Circadian Health,” “J-Wellness,” “Energy Medicine,” “Wellness Music” and more. 

McGroarty on Wellness Music

“I think all humans on earth understand that music is medicine, but now, music is being designed as an international wellness therapy.”

McGroarty on J-Wellness

“The world is aging at a pace never seen before and Japan is the first ‘super-aging’ country. They are solving for what we’re about to experience all over the world.”

McGroarty on True Circadian Health

“Natural solar time, regular light and dark, is the ruler of human health and biology. But there is a radical disconnect between the natural clock time and the human social clock today. No smart pillow, no smart mattress, no CBD is ever going to reset your circadian rhythm.”

For more on the GWS trends, download “The Future of Wellness 2020” report.

Other podcasts already released in this series can be found here and include interviews with two influential, entrepreneurs who are both seeking bringing the message of wellness and preventative health to their home countries: China’s Victor Koo of Tianren Culture and India’s Dr. Bhupendra Kumar Modi from Smart Group.

The podcasts are produced by GWS in association with S’Well Public Relations and Crate Media and hosted by Kim Marshall who brings over two decades of experience in shining a light on wellness stories and trends around the world.