A message from the Spa Industry Association President Allan Share…

Allan here with a timely personal message and invite.

This is truly unprecedented. But, so is COVID-19.

And the way the new $2 TRILLION STIMULUS CARES Act government bill works, just passed Friday. This will be MASSIVE. 

The CARES (the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act was passed unanimously by the Senate and is currently awaiting approval in the House of Representatives

This is a MUST attend emergency event for ALL businesses.That’s YOU!

This SUNDAY at 2.00pm EST (that’s 11.00am pacific for us on the west coast). 

I will keep it brief…

What’s going on?

A good friend of mine Craig has assembled a top team of Specialist Accountant Advisors who are working 24/7 to figure this out and make sure small businesses get what they deserve from this $2trillion CARE ACT bill.

This is not just another webinar. This is an educational Q&A emergency meeting event.

The problem is …

  • It WILL NOT be just as simple as going to the bank.
  • The forms are currently and will be confusing.
  • You need to make sure you take advantage of EVERY SINGLE piece of this bill
  • Everybody’s circumstances are different. Get the maximum.

When: This Sunday 29th March LIVE
What Time: 2.00pm EST (11.00am Pacific)
Where: Zoom call online

Title: How To Get Your Rightful Share of the $2T CARES ACT.
How To Register: (500 only) Click Here to Register https://rainwatertaxcpa.com/register

What You Will Learn:

There are various loans you need to apply for, even some that you don’t have to pay back if they are used for Payroll, Rent, Mortgage Interest.

Here are the highlights of what you will learn.

  • Loans You Don’t Have To Pay Back – Up to $10,000,000 For Payroll, Rent, Mortgage Interest
  • Disaster Loans For Other Business Expenses You Can Cover
  • Defer 100% Of Your Payroll Taxes For 2 Years
  • Get A $2,400/$1,200 Cash-Back Rebate On Your Taxes (Sec 2201)
  • Had Losses In ‘18, ‘19? Get Cash Back By Amending Your Tax Return
  • Business Went Down? Get A Payroll Tax Credit Up To $10,000 Per Employee
  • SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans – Up To $25,000 Unsecured 
  • And Plenty More…

Make sure you come with your questions. This is a LIVE open Q&A emergency event with Expert Financial Advisors.

Register Now before you forget! https://rainwatertaxcpa.com/register

All the best, and see you Sunday.


P.S Do yourself and your business a favor. Make sure to write down the emergency event date and time, or set a reminder on your calendar, so you don’t miss the event. And show up!

When: This Sunday 29th March
What Time: 2.00pm EST (11.00am Pacific)
Where: Video Zoom call.

Title: How To Get Your Rightful Share of the $2T CARE ACT.
How To Register: (500 only) Click Here to Register https://rainwatertaxcpa.com/register

Disclaimer: Disclaimer: The bill has just passed the Senate and we are learning more every single hour about how this bill will be implemented and the interpretations of each component. For the most up to date information join us this Sunday.