Many people often don’t have the luxury to go to a massage parlor and pamper themselves. However, mobile massage therapists are available, and there are quite a lot of reasons why you should have a back massage sooner than later. In this article, we talk about four of them and how often you should get a massage. Read on!  

  1. You Get Headaches and Body Pains  

If you’re getting more headaches than usual, tension could be the cause. It can build up in your neck, shoulder, and trapezoid muscles. This in turn causes and triggers headaches.  

Getting regular massages — such as those from Revive Moment London — can relieve such tension. Massages relax the muscle and promote blood flow to the head, which then eases the head pain. They also alleviate migraine symptoms.  

The same is true if you’re often in pain or don’t have your full range of motion. The pain in your back, hips, and other parts of your body could mean you have a muscle injury. Massage therapists can pinpoint trigger points that restrict blood flow and cause pain. Increased blood flow helps heal soft tissue injuries.  

  1. You’re Stressed and Sleep-Deprived  

Stress is quite common among people, and it can be caused by a variety of factors: emotions, tight schedules, deadlines, health problems, and more. If you’re feeling stressed, having a massage therapist visit you is a good way to decompress.  

A nice back massage can help relax your body and mind. It decreases the levels of stress hormones found in the body and increases endorphin levels. Overall, it’s a great stress reliever. 

This also applies when you’re sleep-deprived. A warm cup of tea or sleeping pills may also help, but a nice massage is often more effective. Your muscles feel relaxed, and your stress hormones are lower. Ultimately, you’ll be able to sleep better. 

  1. You Have a Poor Posture 

Poor posture isn’t a result of laziness. However, it’s often caused by tension in the back and neck combined with poor muscle strength.   

Massage is a natural solution to this issue. A nice back massage not only relieves tension but also promotes better spinal and postural health. It also allows muscles to move freely and flexibly. If your back and neck muscles have shortened over time, regular massages can help them improve their flexibility and make your muscles move as they should.  

  1. You’ve Started Training and Exercising  

Training and exercising help you build more muscles and strengthen your body. However, as you try to build muscles, you strain them and tear fibers. Cardio-focused activities and weight lifting can put a lot of stress on your body. The same is true when you’re training for sports like racing, biking, hiking, water skiing, basketball, and more. 

After straining your body, it’s important that you also help it relieve tension. A deep-tissue massage can help relax tightened muscles, restoring their full range of motion. Again, massages prompt better blood circulation, which in turn aids in muscle injury recovery.  

As mentioned, massages also improve flexibility. With greater flexibility, you can do more intense workouts and experience fewer muscle injuries and strain.  

How Often to Get a Massage 

If you’re ready to get your much-needed back massage, it’s wise to decide how often you need to get one.  

The general recommendation for back massages is every 1–3 weeks, especially if you have a specific strain or tension on your back. However, you can also get over-massaged. The most you can go is once every week unless you’re involved in high-intensity sports. 

To know the best massage frequency for your body, talk to your therapist. He or she will determine the regularity based on how your body responds to the massage treatment.