Even if you spent most of the summer indoors, between the air conditioner and the sun, your skin has taken a beating. Start your fall off right, with a boost to your skincare regimen. Use these five tricks to get your skin back to its glorious self.

Change Your Diet  

Let’s face it, quarantine was hard. You may have started it off with a healthy diet and exercise, but by the end, you probably relied on delivery to break the monotony of staying indoors. While the food may have been delicious, it is the first place you need to check to get your skin back on course. There are a variety of nutritious foods that can have a positive impact on your skin’s health. Take the time to go through your cabinet and figure out where you can cut sugars and other unhealthy dishes and replace it with skin-boosting alternatives. You’ll notice a difference sooner than you think.

Up Your Hydration 

While you’re in the process of updating your food choices, you may want to take the time to check what you’re drinking as well. Look for beverages that are high in sugar and consider switching them for more hydrating alternatives. Adding a healthy amount of water to your daily routine will help you clear your body of toxins and support your skin. If you find it difficult to just drink water, consider drinks that are low in sugar. Additionally, cut back on alcoholic beverages, particularly those that are overly sweet, as these tend to dehydrate you quickly. Your body will thank you for helping it stay hydrated.

Renew Your Routine 

Next, get your skincare routine back on track. This should include a morning and evening routine. When getting your day started, take the time to add a few simple steps. After you wash your face, use a toner and serum for your skin before you put on your moisturizer. Then don’t forget to put on sunscreen for some protection. Once the day is done, you need to add a few extra steps. After you’ve thoroughly cleaned your face, put on your toner and serum again, follow with eye and night cream. Adding these few steps to your day will make a huge difference to your skin.

Check Your Products  

As you start to update your skincare routine, take the time to check what products you are using. Throw away any items that may have expired or are not made to support your skin type. These items may be doing more harm than good for your skin. Next, fill your shelves with products that are made just for your skin type. Cosmetic companies are coming out with new and better products every year. These items can target problem areas and help a variety of skin types. With the right items in your skincare routine, your skin will feel healthier and smoother.

Get a Professional Boost  

If you want a professional head start, consider a trip to the spa. Spa professionals can help give you get a much-needed boost. Professional facials can add nutrients to your skin. Additionally, they will use multi-action sculpting cream to help rejuvenate your face. Don’t forget to take care of the rest of your body as well, with moisturizing wraps or oil massages. A day at the spa is a great way to give your skin a healthy boost, and give you a day of relaxation. Before your day is done, be sure to talk with your aesthetician for product recommendations to help care for your skin.

With a little extra work, your skin will be brighter and healthier than ever.