Any sort of business, in any sort of industry, needs to be connecting with their clients using all modern techniques available to them. As a spa company you want to be putting your customers, past and potential, at ease in all of your communications, remaining professional and calm at all times. Email marketing is no exception too this rule and it must be approached with great care. To help you with that, let’s take a look at a few different emails that are very much worth sending to your clients as you attempt to market your company.

  1. The Newsletter

A spa newsletter isn’t the sort of email that clients realize that they value until they realize it. Sending newsletter emails is a great way to stay connected with clients and allows you to reach out on a regular, scheduled basis with some well-cultivated content. “The newsletter is a helpfully vague medium which allows you to really contact your clients with content of all sorts, depending on what you want them to see”, explains Maciej Polkowski, marketing blogger at Oxessays and Academized.

  1. Limited Time Offer

Potential customers don’t like to be pressured into buying things or services. No-one likes to feel under pressure to get a spa day. It should be an indulgent treat, not an activity someone stumbles into. But as a marketer, you want to be able to put a bit of pressure on potential customers, to help capitalize on that potential. Enter the limited time offer. As a clever way to get people to commit to a purchase you can offer sales and deals that have a timer on them. You’re not forcing or begging, you’re just placing a tempting offer on the table to draw people in.

  1. The Welcome Email

When people initially engage with a company, they want some sense of reassurance. Companies are inherently scary, to some degree. A client wants to be immediately reassured, particularly one booking an experience that is meant to be relaxing, that they have made the right decision. “A good welcome email is really warming and is personal and familiar without coming across as overbearing or intrusive. Prep your customer for relaxation and enjoyment”, says Charlene Moore, email marketer at State of writing and Revieweal.

  1. New Product Emails

Sometimes customers won’t have converted their potential because they aren’t quite happy with the options available to them through your spa. When you figure out a new service that you can offer people you definitely want to advertise that fact to your potential clients to see if it might shift their perspective over engaging with your company. It’s also a great excuse to remind them that you exist!

  1. A Thank You

One thing that customers really appreciate is being appreciated. When customers have interacted with your company in really any way at all, it’s always a great opportunity to express gratitude. There are so many options available to the average consumer these days that, to get the reviews and the potential extra purchases that you want, a thank you is appreciated.

  1. Holiday Emails

Show a human touch to your company and get in touch with your customers to celebrate the holiday season, at any point all year round. This is the sort of subtle email that will really reinforce to your clients that you care about them.


Email marketing is a vital tool in the modern marketing arena. The key is using email in a natural and believable way at all times, to get the most from the medium. Trust me, your spa will thank me later!

Ellie Coverdale writes for Do my assignment and Write My Australia on matters of marketing and well-being. She loves sharing her insights and tips on authentic, meaningful digital and social media marketing with her readers. She also writes articles for Ukwritings on writing and editing.