Menopause symptoms can be rough — from hot flashes to irritability that can occur out of nowhere — and it may seem like there is no relief in sight. If you are experiencing menopause symptoms and are craving a break, here are some reasons why a trip to the spa could be just what you need. 

1. You Can Get a Massage 

No matter how bad you feel or how strongly your menopause anger is raging, a relaxing massage can help to relieve these symptoms — even if just for an hour or so. Massages can be deeply relaxing, and some types of massage can even stimulate the glands that are responsible for hormone production, alleviating hot flashes. No matter what the massage offers you in terms of relief, there is no doubt that personal time away from the stressors in your life is beneficial. 

2. Infrared Saunas Can Help Improve Blood Flow and Clear Toxins 

Getting in a sauna when you have hot flashes sounds quite counterintuitive. However, an infrared sauna has myriad health benefits that can make you feel better. It can help improve your blood flow and strengthen your immune system, which means you might feel better faster. It can also help you clear toxins from your liver, which allows the liver to focus more attention on regulating your hormones.  

3. You Get Time to Yourself 

Sometimes you need alone time. Though the people in your home may try to help when they know that you are not feeling your best, at times, the best cure for what ails you is some quality “me” time. Spas can provide this type of relief, and no matter what you choose to do at a spa — whether it’s sitting in a sauna or spending time in a quiet meditation room — you’ll benefit from the relaxing time alone. If you aren’t sure exactly what you would like to do at the spa, just take the time to go and decide when you get there.   

4. You Can Try Yoga 

If you haven’t tried yoga before, now is the perfect time to start. There are many different types of yoga with varying degrees of difficulty, so don’t be scared away thinking you will have to contort your body into all kinds of ridiculous shapes from the get-go. Yoga can help relieve pain, particularly the pain felt in your neck, back, and joints from menopause. Go and give a beginner’s yoga class a shot and see if it helps you to relax and feel a bit less pain. 

5. You Can Get Acupuncture 

Acupuncture may seem scary and extreme to those who have not had a treatment before. However, it is more than just lying on a table with needles sticking out of your body. Acupuncture can be used to lessen the severity of hot flashes and even help with mood swings due to hormonal imbalance. It can also help with insomnia and sleeplessness, which is a plus for women who are going through menopause. Don’t count acupuncture out — it could be just what you need to get relief from your irritating symptoms. 

6. Some Spas Have Exercise Equipment 

Losing weight or remaining at a healthy weight is yet another way to lessen the severity of your menopause symptoms. If you lack the motivation to lose weight at home, look into local spas that have exercise equipment or offer workout classes so you can relax and get a good workout in one trip. 


Menopause is inconvenient and can make years of your life challenging. Use some of these tips to help yourself feel better.