When you hear the phrase “modern life,” it probably doesn’t lead to feelings of calm. Instead, you probably associate it with “always connected,” “24/7,” and “burnout.” That’s a big reason you own or work for a spa. You want to provide a calming antidote to everyday life. Tranquility, peace, and gentle focus are your aims. You want your clients to leave your spa feeling better than when they came in. Yes, your services provide much of that serenity. But what about the overall environment? There are many great ways to cultivate a nurturing spa atmosphere. Here are several to keep in mind.  

Meditative Music  

Find out about your clients’ preferences, and invest in music that’s relaxing and well-sequenced for your waiting area. If you decide to use a streaming service, invest in the paid version so the experience isn’t broken up by advertisements. In treatment rooms, provide some easy choices for your clients to individualize their sonic experience. Customer engagement is a big part of repeat business and word of mouth so take the time to research what kind of music is best for your clients beforehand.  

Beautiful Art 

Consider your clientele and select art that will soothe and uplift spirits. If you have the budget to invest in original pieces, that’s wonderful. If not, it’s easy to find reproductions and prints at a fraction of the cost. Consider the frames you use, too; they can make a big difference in how the art blends in with your decor.  


In this over-stimulated, under-grounded culture, it’s crucial to include the earth element into your spa environment. Although artificial greenery can be attractive and doesn’t require care, real greenery will increase the oxygen in the environment and make a real difference in the atmosphere. Believe it or not, many plants are gorgeous and easy to care for and will thrive in a spa environment.  

Herbal Teas 

Make it easy for your clients to sip hot herbal teas while they wait and while they receive certain services. It’s worth it to buy organic bagged teas and a good hot water dispenser. You might choose to serve your client as part of the nurturing environment, or provide a station where they can easily help themselves.  

Gentle Aromatherapy  

The sense of smell is powerful. Using calming essential oils in a diffuser (set at low) is one of the best ways to instill a feeling of peace and tranquility. That said, some of your clients might have sensitivities or prefer not to have aromatherapy in the spa environment. An alternative is to provide it in the treatment rooms (putting some oil on a warm washcloth is one method) for people who request it.  

Noise Cancellation  

Your spa should be a respite from the noise and clamor of the world. There are several ways you can help your space be a calming oasis, including providing soundproofing in the office area, putting up signs gently asking for quiet, offering noise-canceling headphones, and requesting that clients use their phones silently. Experiment to see what works the best for your unique situation.  

Soothing Blankets  

Human beings usually love the feeling of being softly enveloped, and your spa can help with that by providing a variety of blankets to help them stay cozy and calm. Weighted blankets are especially popular now, and many of them have materials that keep them from getting too hot. Keep track of the blankets your customers love the most!  

Employee Education 

Cultivating a calming spa environment is as much about people as it is about objects. If you manage a spa, set a good example of being a serene, caring presence that puts people at ease. Also, provide training for your employees about the “soft skills” that are key to providing an overall ambiance of peace and kindness.  

The Main Takeaway 

Creating a tranquil environment for your clients requires intentionality. Consider these suggestions as you grow your spa business.  

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