Hi friends, I’ve been using Salt for 30 years as a “keep me healthily” and little did I know there were a ton of other benefits. Our sponsor, Salt Chamber, has some incredible products and this is where you get your knowledge base up and look at ideas to add revenue to your spa. I was able to try their Salt Bed at ISPA and I can tell you that 10 minutes in it and you come out rejuvenated. I’ve borrowed some blurb from their information:

The S.A.L.T. Bed™ is a breakthrough, portable dry salt therapy unit with built-in color changing ambient lights, heated Himalayan salt crystals and sound system for a unique and effective multi-sensory experience.

Minimal start-up costs, it’s a labor-free provided service, has low maintenance and it requires no special or additional certifications or licenses needed. Best of all it has a great return on investment. Plus training and education is included to help ensure all staff members are knowledgeable on halotherapy in general and properly trained on the equipment.

Visit Salt Chamber at www.saltbeds.com  www.SaltchamberInc.com  or call 855-luv-salt

You’re going to have your eyes opened when you add salt to your therapies and your clients will love you for it!

Best, Allan