The exclusive medical, health and wellness destinations in Los Angeles that entertainment industry insiders go to as they aim to optimize longevity.

Entertainment industry insiders might not talk about it as openly as Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey — who’s tweeted and chatted about some extreme behaviors designed to extend his lifespan — but plenty of people in Hollywood are concerned about not only aging countenances but also physiologies. Here’s where they go for testing and more.

Upgrade Labs
Matthew Modine is a devotee of the Santa Monica and Beverly Hills (opening in January inside the Beverly Hilton) facilities based around Bulletproof founder Dave Asprey’s obsession with biohacking — the entrepreneur’s own goal is to live to be 180. Gerard Butler and Rick Rubin also engage in the high-tech modalities that offer brand-new options for extending one’s vitality. One such offering is O-Zone Sauna (only available at Beverly Hills), in which a combination of heat and ozone make for the speedy elimination of toxins and cellular waste while energizing and oxygenating cells to encourage longer lives. Another option is NAD, a.k.a. nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a cofactor credited with keeping living cells healthy, young and functioning optimally that pre-clinical research indicates plays a role in increasing lifespan. It can be taken in IV, nasal spray, Sub Q injection or supplement tablets. (Memberships are $500-$3,500/week,

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