This message is being shared by NCEA to alert our members of the new rules concerning scope of practice going into effect January 1st 2020.
As a result of the Certified Advanced Esthetician license being implemented, the scope of practice of a regular esthetician was revised: you are no longer able to use an FDA registered device that “claims to indicate penetration or some effect beyond the stratum corneum into the living layers of the skin”. 817-010-0067 The word stratum corneum is problematic. An esthetician is trained to work on the epidermis.
The OEFL believes this will financially impact estheticians, many will lose their livelihood and won’t be allowed to use devices such as micro-current, LED light and galvanic, to name a few. If you contact the Agency, they will send you a sheet and let you decide if your machine is in scope, the issue is that in case of a lawsuit, the way the rule is written will make it very hard to defend yourself.
Protect our rights to practice as estheticians.What can you do?1. Join the Facebook group Link to Oregon estheticians for fair licensing Facebook group
2. Sign the petition to the board of cosmetology to amend rule 67
3. Write a letter about your financial impact
4. Donate via Go Fund Me to pay for the legal fees Go Fund Me
The OEFL found an attorney that specializes in dealing with rules written by government and a lobbyist who’s sister is an esthetician. They advised to simultaneously present the petition and pressure the Oregon Health Agency and the Board of Cosmetology to listen. This is done by finding legislators that say it was their intention to regulate lasers, NOT “other devices”.
We are demanding clarity, please join our group or email – [email protected] for more information.
Best,The Oregon Estheticians for Fair Licensing