Even if people are already raving about your spa treatments, it’s easy to make them even better with aromatherapy!

Why bother?

First and foremost, you can incorporate aromatherapy into any spa treatment you can dream up — from facials, to massages, to manicures, to pedicures. So no matter what you specialize in, you can take advantage of a quality aromatherapy regimen.  But this isn’t the only benefit. As soon as you start working with different essential oils, you’ll be able to:

– Give your guests an easy way to immediately relax

– Go beyond physical needs. For example, if a physical symptom is being caused by an underlying emotional issue, the right scent can help you tackle it.

– Stimulate feelings of euphoria and happiness

– Use scent to make a good impression on your guest’s subconscious, which is where most decisions come from. In turn, this can make your guests more loyal to you.

– Set yourself apart from competing spas

But how exactly do you incorporate essential oils into each spa treatment?

There are 3 easy ways to do it:

1. Get an aromatherapy burner or diffuser for each of your treatment rooms

2. Use an aromatherapy mist during your treatments

3. Use a special aromatherapy massage oil that’s got essential oils in it

If you want to reap the biggest possible benefits from these 3 things, follow these 6 tips. I’ve personally tested them out, and my guests absolutely love the experience I’ve created for them!

1. Put 5 to 10 drops of your favorite essential oil in your aromatherapy burner/diffuser

After all, you’re going to be in the treatment room all day long, so you’ve got to have a scent you love!

Whether you use one essential oil or a blend, tell your guests why you made the selection you did.

They’ll appreciate knowing that you’ve gone the extra mile to choose something great.

2. Use your aromatherapy mist right at the beginning of the treatment

Combine 3 drops of orange essential oils, 3 drops of frankincense and 2 drops of lavender with 1 oz of distilled water. This mist will create a feeling of instant relaxation, which is exactly why your guests are there in the first place — to relax! A quick squirt or two will also encourage your guests to trust your caring hands. For best results, tell your guest to close her eyes, breathe deeply, and point the nozzle upwards, so that the mist falls gently onto her face.

3. Use a drop of lavender or mandarin with your eye pillows

Both of these oils offer a calming scent that will make your treatments even more powerful. Place the drop on a tissue, then wrap it around your eye pillow. (Just make sure the oil isn’t touching your guest’s face!)

4. Add a massage into the mix

Combine some essential oils with a carrier oil to create your own massage oil. Then, use it to massage your guests’ legs during pedicures. Or, use the oil to massage your guests’ arms, hands, and décolletage during facials. These aromatherapy massage oils can also replace your traditional oils during your massage treatments. Dilute a total of 15 drops with 1 oz of carrier oil such as jojoba, fractionated coconut oil or macadamia oil.

5. Make things personal

Lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint all create great feelings, but they’re not the only essential oils you can use during your spa treatments. A great way to mix things up is to ask each guest how they’re feeling when they arrive and then choose the oil that best suits their mood. Just like that, you’ve made each treatment more personal, and your guests will love that special one-on-one attention!

How do you know which oil is right for each guest?

– If your guest is stressed out, use Palo Santo, Frankincense, or Bergamot to help her calm down.

– If your guest has some aching muscles, Peppermint, Rosemary, and Pine will all help boost her circulation and relieve the pain.

– If your guest is fighting off an illness, tap into the natural antibacterial properties of Eucalyptus, Ravenara, or Tea Tree.

– If your guest is feeling a little depressed, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang, and Litsea Cubeba are all powerful mood boosters.

– If your guest is tired, Rosemary, Peppermint, Pine, and Cardamom will all stimulate the adrenal glands and fight off fatigue.

– If your guest is feeling sluggish or bloated, Fennel, Grapefruit, and Cedarwood will all help get the lymph system working, while also helping to break down fatty deposits in the cells.

– If your guest is suffering from PMS, Geranium, Clary Sage, Rose, and Jasmine will help balance everything out. You can even dilute these oils with a carrier oil, apply the mixture directly to the skin, and cover with a hot towel. That will definitely chase those cramps away!

– If your guest has underlying issues, those should be addressed first. Prosper loans is a good place to look for those interested in solving money issues, which often times result in stress.

6. Encourage your guests to buy their own essential oils to use at home

That way, they can experience all of the good feelings you’ve created for them anytime they want. That will definitely encourage them to tell their friends about you!


Cristina Proano-Carrion

Cristina Proano-Carrion

Aromatherapy lecturer and formulator