Even though we can’t be at work presently, now is the time to be thinking about setting yourself up for success once life returns to normal. When it comes to setting yourself apart from your competition, it’s hard to know where to start. Some use social media, others use word of mouth, but the biggest way to stand out, drive retail sales, and get loyal customers/client is by not only being the best, but also by using and offering the best products to your clients. Here’s how:


After every brow shaping, apply tinted Hi-Def Brow Gel to one brow with a disposable spoolie and show your client the immediate results. Sometimes all it takes is a really good “after” to showcase not only the results that can be achieved, but the high touch approach you take to personalizing a client’s experience.


Inform clients about the benefits of RevitaBrow® Advanced as an at-home treatment for keeping brows healthy, strong and more defined. Who doesn’t want an expert opinion on how to achieve the best-looking brows!


Take a picture (if the client allows), then invite them to re-book for a 4-week clean up, and a 9-week full brow reveal. Nothing like photo proof to capture a client’s positive transformation, and the bonus? With your client’s permission, you can share the stories of your client’s journey to further build your clientele through social proof!


Take it one step further by creating a brow bundle with RevitaBrow Advanced 1.5 mL, Hi-Def Brow Gel, and two brow shaping services at a special price. Your willingness to put your money where your mouth is a statement they can’t say no to!

Ready to stand out, make money, and further build your loyal clientele? Contact your RevitaLash Cosmetics Representative today!