Denver – September 2020 – Color Up’s commitment to being the leader in cannabis education moves two steps forward with a new educational track and scholarship program. The Cannabis Master Program for the Spa Professional now has three tracks, with the newest designed for wellness professionals. The Master Program launched in 2019 with educational tracks for estheticians and massage therapists. So far, more than 800 pros have signed up for the program.  

Created to educate wellness professionals including yogis, fitness instructors, nutritionists, holistic practitioners, etc., the wellness course focuses on the natural benefits of incorporating CBD into professional and personal practices.  

The self-led, online course includes Color Up’s core classes on the history of Cannabis, to modern day uses and the science behind its efficacy in partnership with the endocannabinoid system. Taught by Color Up’s President of Education Emily Davis, LE and Vice President of Education Liz Aigner, LMT, LE, CYT, new classes in the wellness track include: 

  • Compassion, Connection & CBD: The Central Nervous System Response 
  • Cough, Cold & Flu: Can Cannabinoids Help Us Heal? 
  • Social Phobias & CBD 
  • Athletes, Weekend Warriors & CBD 
  • Insomnia & CBD 
  • CBD & Traveling 

Those who successfully complete the course receive a certificate of attendance. Through the end of the year, a special rate is available to those who register for the Wellness Track. 

Speaking of which, four scholarships are now available to LEs and LMTs to enroll in the program. Color Up is offering two partial scholarships (50%) and two full scholarships (for one LE and one LMT) to attend the Master Course. Scholarship recipients will also receive the Skincare Retail Starter Kit or Massage Retail Kit complimentary. The deadline for scholarship entries, which may be submitted personally or by nomination, is Sept. 30, 2020. Recipients will be announced Oct. 7.  

More details about the Cannabis Master Program may be found online, or by contacting Emily Davis at [email protected] and/or Liz Aigner at [email protected]