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If you are facing trouble in getting back into your business after the COVID-19 pandemic and looking for some ideas and strategies to help get back on your feet, then you are in the right place. The important thing that you need to focus on is getting clients for your business. Today we are going to give you essential marketing ideas that would help you in securing more clients. 

Salon marketing ideas and strategies

Focus on these tips if you want to get to the higher ranks.

Get your spa/salon listed on the online directories 

It would help if you got familiar with the modern dealings first of all. More than 70% of looking for salon services will always look for the product or the service reviews from the internet before actually stepping into the actual store. This means that you have to hook yourself with the digital phonebook. Some of the platforms on which you have to add your business are:

  • Google my business
  • Yelp
  • Facebook and Instagram

Manage online reviews

To get a positive response from customers, you have to make sure that you have positive reviews posted on the directories. You have to manage your reviews in a very responsible manner. According to recent reports, more than 90% of consumers make their decisions based on reviews. You have to encourage your current loyal clients to publish their reviews on the internet so that new potential traffic can get attracted towards your services.

Form partnership plans with other local brands

If you want to draw client attention, then you should start connecting your brand with local brands. You can use an example of fine dining and movie theatre working together. In the very same way, you can look for the relative niche that compliments your services and hookup with it.

Offer referral discounts

You can also add referral discounts to increase your customer base. When you connect to local brands, you can connect by giving referral discounts. It increases business for both parties. People today are always looking for discounts, so it is better that you give them small discounts, at least for the sake of attraction.

Start salon promotions

Promotions have an incredibly positive effect on the marketing of your business. You can offer different kinds of promotions to your customers. Below we have given examples of some common promotion tactics.

  • First-time or special visit discount
  • Last minute or weekend promotions
  • Monthly specials or seasonal discounts

Share your promotions on social media

Social media apps are the latest platform for advertising and marketing. It will not be wrong for us to say that social media apps have the most reach, and you can target a massive chunk of the audience from there. There are different social media apps, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to market your brand. You must add short but unique posts on these platforms, with the help of which you would get much traffic. You can use plagiarism checker programs to make your social media post authentic!

Use retargeting ads and content

Retargeting is quite a common marketing strategy that can be used to target customers who have previously left your brand for some reason. As the salon owner, it is your duty to find out about the problems and provide your customers with the solution to that problem by retargeting them. You can retarget customers with ads as-well-as with unique content. You can use plagiarism checkers to scan advertisement content before publishing it.

Run a Contest in your Salon

Running a contest on social/digital platforms and in your conventional salon is the right way of getting media and traffic attention. You can give monthly discounts to the people who give the most referrals to different platforms. Getting new clients can be comfortable in this way. You can offer lateral discounts to customers so that they are bound to visit your brand shortly.

Create an Email Newsletter

You need to get your client’s email when they are visiting for service. It can be useful as you can send them email newsletters on a monthly or annual basis. Generally, people think that this is a weak plan but don’t get fooled with this concept as there are many consumers who are interested in knowing what is happening around your salon and what is new. A decent percentage of users would be interested in visiting your salon based on updates and new services. Always make sure that your newsletter is checked with a plagiarism checker before you publish or share it.

Use of plagiarism checkers is vital in advertising because you have to make sure that none of the content you are adding is copied from or matches other brands. There is a reliable and accurate plagiarism checker that can help you in checking duplicate ad content!

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