Hi friends and happy Monday. Check out www.renaleviskincare.com and look at On the Spot! Solution. It’s a one-step, overnight solution for problematic skin. It dries up and helps with excessive oiliness (my own problem) and helps minimize redness. Use it with all skin types and if you want to double-down and really get good results, use it with their Vanishing Act Soap.

Here are a few highlights directly from the source:

  • No harmful acids or chemicals; effective
    usage on all skin types & conditions; safe & effective on delicate skin, as well as problem skin conditions such as acne
  • Provides customized moisture treatment for oily/acneic skin by naturally drying skin abnormalities such as pustules & papules, as well as occasional blemishes
  • Skin conditioning & astringent properties aid healing; detoxifying agent absorbs oil; anti-irritant combats inflammation
  • Quickly acts to soothe, restore & normalize cell balance

Best, Allan

Allan Share

Allan Share

President of the Day Spa Association