For those of you graduating from our PRO Makeup Artistry National Certification Course, you KNOW that I have personally drilled mega information into your minds about networking, marketing & boosting your business and brand! I am compiling some truly phenomenal information for those of you THINKING about joining our PRO Course, in order to assist you in building your business and creating a LIFE & career you LOVE!

Through my extensive background in Professional Makeup Artistry, I have done a little bit of everything in terms of makeup jobs – working with bridal parties either on-location or my personal studio, traveling with a world-renowned photographer doing makeup for the Miss USA Pageant system, providing makeup for countless photoshoots for different purposes, doing makeup for plays and theater productions, and even providing my makeup services to the diseased. Makeup Artistry has been a large part of shaping my career into the esthetics industry and was my first love – catering to my creative persona and background in art. I have truly enjoyed every job, no matter how large or small. This has been a calling in my life that has blossomed into some tremendous friendships and excellent opportunities. I personally would do it for free, for the rest of my life, if I could. I enjoy it that much.

With all of this in mind, I have equally enjoyed the aspect of TEACHING the PRO Course and offering astounding education and phenomenal workshops that focus solely on the ART of makeup. This is something that has been lost in many cosmetology and esthetics programs, as many instructors are unfortunately not well-versed enough in the industry – or have had as much experience – in order to teach it properly. The PRO Course is a 6-week workshop that tailors to a very fast-paced learning experience, extensive instructor-demonstration, and the perfection of integrative hands-on technique. The course is truly a “baby” of mine that began out of sheer frustration with the lack of education available, along with immense PASSION for sharing one of my God-given talents with both men and women that want to change the WORLD through beauty and art.

Today I want to share with you the other end of the spectrum of the CRAFT – and that is the integration of the BUSINESS of makeup artistry. This, like many other aspects of our field, is one of the most important elements of creating a long-term, exciting, fulfilling career! Take notes. Visualize. Let this information mold you and resonate in your soul – because remembering that a firm understanding of the BUSINESS end of this career model is truly crucial, is the backbone of your future success!

1. Decide How You Want Your Image & Brand To Be Focused – Then Implement 3 Avenues Per Week To Get You There!
Building your brand – easier said than done. Take a look at the core of who you are, and especially who you “appear to be” on social media outlets – most importantly. Whatever you decide to display on the internet is public knowledge for years to come. When channeling a more professional version of yourself, take the time to visualize yourself as a client – then clean out every single thing you have posted online for the past few years. Heck, even delete the accounts you have and start anew! Build from a FRESH place.

Next, begin thinking of how you want to be perceived. What is your niche in the makeup industry? What kind of look are you going for? What makes you HAPPY & INSPIRED? There are many questions to consider when choosing a niche – and questions that should be taken seriously, written down, answered, and even pondered over for a while. Never go into any business venture lightly. Show the best version of who you are in all that you do – and you will succeed further than you can even imagine!

Consistent, professional images and headshots of yourself are key in any professional career when you are promoting services that you personally perform – but additionally, even more important in the beauty industry. Embrace the beauty that is YOU and OWN IT until the night is day. Find professional or even amateur photographers/graphic artists that can build a consistent brand with your image attached, right down to the colors, logo, website, business cards, social media headers & cover photos – all of the above. Everything should “flow” and have a consistent look and feel. Clients will know it’s YOU every single time!

Finally, once you have a firm grasp of your passion and niche market, hone in on that and choose THREE avenues per week to reach out to. If, for example, you are gearing towards the bridal industry, areas of interest to you would be: contacts from your local newspaper, especially the ones that write up the engagement columns; salons that specialize in amazing bridal hair-styling; bridal shops and wedding vendors; wedding venues; limo drivers; florists; all of the bridal shows in your realm of influence, etc. This brings about another very important aspect of your business planning – which is specifically your REALM OF INFLUENCE, meaning: how far you plan to travel to provide work to your clients. If you are the said-bridal-expert, if you want to reach out to your entire state for on-location work, you will make relationships with the individuals/companies that put on the most amazing bridal shows statewide.

If your niche is in theater and theatrical makeup for off-the-wall photoshoots and character-makeup for plays, you will want to create relationships with casting directors in your state, theaters, theater workshop groups, creative photographers that specialize in photographic ART, and other like-minded business and professionals to jumpstart your career and put you in the right place at the right time, so to speak!

Take your list and reach out to at least three individuals per week within these areas. Make phone calls, write personal notes; send out professional Info Packets with comp cards, business cards, incentives for working together the first time, price sheets/menus, etc. The possibilities are endless; however, you must take the proper steps to TAKE ACTION and make these things happen!

2. Build An Amazing Portfolio & Consistently Add To It At Least Once Per Week!
One of the most amazing PERKS of being a part of the PRO Makeup Artistry Course is the phenomenal Pro Shoot we do with the professional photographers that put their artistic touch on the dynamic looks our students put together as a part of their required end-of-class project! Not only do you receive in-depth training, you are able to show off your techniques and gain a professional portfolio to jumpstart your career into success from the START! We require a large variety of looks, along with a dynamic range of mediums and styles, to show off your creativity and skill level.
The reason we choose to build a spectacular portfolio for you is only the beginning of what you need to do beyond our course. We promote consistent learning and educational follow-up through some of our smaller, one-day courses to continue to INSPIRE your creativity and assist you in niche areas you are passionate about. I also highly recommend implementing a regular STRATEGY for adding to your portfolio, at least once per week – yes, that’s right!

The smartest thing to do in any creative outlet is to provide CONSISTENCY. Whether you are providing makeup through a studio in a salon or spa, or have your own set-up within a home studio – be sure to have a phenomenal, modern set-up to showcase your looks and create dynamic before and after images that make your viewers beg for more! Purchase a set of photography lights, a backdrop, cute (yet simple) chairs, and work with a nice enough camera that will take sharp and focused images. Also having a computer system to upload your images and place them into a nice format for side-to-side viewing is an added bonus. Having simple photography knowledge on facial angles and where the lighting would be the most flattering is also another added PLUS that will propel you into professional STARDOM!

3. Make Contacts & Build Relationships With Professionals That Can Benefit You – And Clients That Need Your Follow-Up, Love & Adoration!
Once you begin meeting people and building relationships, whether it is paying clientele or professionals that are assisting you in the promotion of your brand – be THANKFUL for these connections and never take them for granted! Nurture these relationships much like you would your own child or beloved friendships. Send group emails to showcase some of your most recent work, write personal notes to thank them for their connection and business with you, hold POWER LUNCHES or AFTER-HOURS EVENTS where you can offer discounted or free mini services just to thank them for their patronage – the options are truly endless!

By adding VALUE to what you do through these extended areas of customer service, you are not simply “networking” and making your rounds – you are building relationships, giving individuals the opportunity to KNOW YOU and value the joy you bring to their lives, and last but certainly not least: gaining confidence, happiness, and satisfaction in your job by GIVING of yourself. When you are consistently showcasing your unselfish love and adoration for your clients and vendors, you will bring GOOD ENERGY to your life, and thus, your business!

Courtney Griffin Freeman

Courtney Griffin Freeman

Licensed Esthetics Instructor - Southeastern Esthetics Institute