environment change

Hi everyone, many of you know that Kathy and I move from both Minnesota and California to Arizona. We love it here!

Aside from many of the daily changes that you would be aware of such as car insurance, health insurance, new home issues, meeting neighbors, there is a large and overriding issue that many people ignore; how does your body feel?

If you have ever been to Minnesota between the months of June and October there is practically no place on the planet that is more beautiful. It is green, has lovely weather, swaying oak trees, includes afternoons swimming in the lakes, and I could not finish the list without saying…mosquitoes, LOL.

I noticed when we were spending Winters in California that one of the things my body accepted extremely well was the very low humidity of being in the desert near Palm Springs. The aches and pains in my shoulders and periodically in my knees and wrists seemed to evaporate the moment we would get off the airplane or out of the car after a 2000 mile drive from Minnesota. On the rare days that it rained, I would feel that slight achiness come back. Oh yeah, it is a real thing so when people tell you they are moving south for drier weather I have found it to be absolutely true.

This summer in Arizona set a record for total number of days over a hundred and ten degrees and total number of days over a hundred degrees and frankly we agreed that if we could make it through summer we can make it all season here with no problem. I might be part lizard or some other desert animal, but I absolutely love the hot dry heat.  I commented to my wife the other day that I have had no arthritic pain in my shoulders or in my wrist since being here, it is truly amazing. I believe you have to do all the other things correct for your body which include eating right, drinking in moderation, exercising daily and taking good supplements (and going to the Spa). Now that we have been here for four months I am firmly convinced that warm dry weather is a key ingredient to feeling good both mentally and physically. 

There are many ex-Midwestern people that we have met in our neighborhood who have moved down here who corroborate exactly what I am describing… Find your way South when your bones start aching! 

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