Woman doing meditation

Work pressure, junk food, sleep deprivation-how many of these can you identify in your lifestyle? 

Unfortunately, a majority of the world’s population has these stress-inducing elements present in their life. Trying to cope up with the ever-advancing world, people have lost something essential and valuable that is health.

We are no longer fit, both physically and mentally. Apart from the issues caused by artificial foods, we feel surrounded by mental concerns, such as anxiety, depression, emotional imbalances, and whatnot. We have forgotten what peace, calmness, and joy truly feels like. 

However, my friend, it is still not late as change is imperishable when you are willing. We can still put our whirring minds into position by one simple practice that is meditation.  

Are you feeling skeptical as to how meditation can offer a healthy life? Perhaps, you are in hunt of comprehensive ways to start meditating? In any case, we have got your back!

Read onto a comprehensive meditating guide for beginners!

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice that sets you free. From what? Well, it liberates you from the pressure of all sorts. Be it physical, mental, or emotional. 

Since in this age of technology, life has become more of a matter of survival rather than living, meditation is becoming increasingly popular. As we work from the workplaces and as we work from home, our routines are getting hectic by the day. Thus, messing up our mental stability. Hence, such calming practices are a lifesaver. With that said, let’s have a look at the generalized definition.

Commonly, meditation is a wellness practice that concerns the development of attention, compassion, and also trains the mind to be more aware of self and surroundings. The practice aims to create a sense of harmony and peace by acknowledging one’s thoughts and actions. Note that the acknowledgment here is free of any judgments. Thus, creating a pathway of genuine correction and better stability. Meditation traces its origin in several cultures and religions. It seems as if most ancient bodies seemed to realize the power of mental stability.

Also, currently, the world recognizes about nine different types of meditation. These include:

  • Mantra Meditation
  • Visualization Meditation 
  • Spiritual Meditation
  • Movement Meditation
  • Mindfulness Meditation
  • Focused Meditation
  • Loving-Kindness Meditation
  • Transcendental Meditation
  • Progressive relaxation

Now, one cannot randomly pick a type of meditation and adopt it. Each way requires a different method and mindset. So, one has to go with a type that best suits their case.

Beginner’s Exercises

Meditation can transform your life into something peaceful and joyful. However, as a beginner, you might find unifying your scattered and complicated mind into one place as a daunting task. Don’t worry because we have compiled some super easy yet efficient meditation exercises to help you get started. 

1.      Breathe In And Out

Perhaps, the easiest method is to control your breath. A majority of meditation experts lay emphasis on doing breathing exercises on a daily basis as it improves your circulatory system too. Here is a simple 5-minutes breathing exercise:

  • Breathe in and count to four. 
  • Hold your breath till four.
  • Exhale to the count of 8.

The deep exhales in this exercise lowers blood pressure and heart rate. Hence, relaxing your stressed mind and granting peace. 

2.      Go Out & Describe

Did you know describing things with a present mind is also a form of meditation? You can go outdoors to a park or walk. 

Instead of getting enveloped by your thoughts, notice and observe what your eyes are seeing. Look at the sun, the green bushes, the brown brick path, the cars, and evaluate their details.

It is okay if you are indoors, perhaps, in an office or your home workspace. You can describe the intricate folds on those expensive chairs, crafted from leather. Or, you could describe the neatness of your own work desk. 

These descriptions help you concentrate and focus. It washes over a new wave of peace and calmness.

3.      Music

If you are not up for these simple exercises, you can even begin with music listening. Put on soothing music on your headphones or earplugs. It can be anything from an orchestra or water flowing music. Anything will do as long as it makes you feel relaxed. While listening, do not zone out.

Instead, focus on the harmony and notes of the music. It will help you clear out your mind, concentrate, and remove any emotional imbalance before it develops.  

Remember, when meditating, do not force yourself into doing things. And, you do not require specific timing for it. Try breathing exercises when soaking yourself in the bath or before going to sleep. Some applications can also help you get started with meditation. These include:

  • Headspace
  • BreatheSync

You’re In Charge! 

Ups and downs won’t leave you alone. Remember, life is those undulating lands, never the same. No time or event of your life will last forever. 

However, sitting idly, waiting for peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle to enter your life is foolish. While events trigger the ups and downs, your mental and physical well-being depends on you. One can find positivity even in the midst of a disaster. Nobody controls your mind more than you. You are in charge of your happiness and peace! 

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