2020 took us all by surprise.

In a short time, we all had to adjust to quarantine norms, inconvenient masks, social distancing, and spending all days alone. Even the holiday season was different from all the other ones that came before, as many people were forced to celebrate it away from their loved ones.

Consequently, many people decided on celebrations on their own, trying out quarantine recipes, and celebrating Christmas in the uplifting accompaniment of only Wham hit songs. It turned out, unexpectedly, is that for many individuals this form of spending the holidays came out to be bearable, if not quite pleasurable.

Moreover, having mastered the difficult art of spending holidays alone, people equipped themselves with a solid dose of self-confidence and the ability to spend good quality time alone, without anyone’s company. And that’s great!

We decided to gather all the tips on good holiday self-care, to show that you, too, can have fun spending any holiday alone. Whether it’s due to a global pandemic, personal reasons, or simply out of choice, you can spend your holidays in the best way possible, and devote this time to nothing else yourself.

To find out the best tips for practising self-care, follow our short guide.

Prepare a Self-Care Kit

Christmas spent alone can be stressful. Whether it’s due to shipping delays of the gifts for your family members, or troubles with connection while on Skype with your loved ones, you might find yourself anxious and overwhelmed. Trust us: you don’t deserve this kind of negativity in your life, especially on holidays.

To truly unwind this holiday season and make sure you relax, you should equip yourself with a special self-care kit. Buy yourself an essential oil or a lovely candle to create a unique atmosphere. You can get equipped with chargers to keep your favorite music going, or with the CBD Immunity Blend of your choice to keep the spirits up, if that’s what you like. If you feel lonely, you may check out special weighted blankets that give the feeling of being hugged when you wrap yourself in them.

Lastly, and very importantly: choose your favorite brands! Holidays are for spoiling yourself, so don’t save on pleasures.

Organize Virtual Meetings

Although you will not be meeting live any of your loved ones, you can still virtually connect with them. First, choose a meeting platform that is available to the people on the other side of the screen. Then, to make the most of this reunion, prepare some fun bonding games to play with your family members or friends.

For instance, you might want to participate in virtual charades or play virtual versions of such card games as “We’re Not Really Strangers.” Gaming together will let you get closer than ever even despite the physical distance. Moreover, you can also sing carols and virtually unwrap gifts together!

If you would like to connect with someone out of your regular circle, you might want to try your luck in one of the chat roulettes or sign up for one of many online classes, such as yoga or zumba. If you’re looking for love, there are always dating apps coming to the rescue. For example, with Tinder Passport you can travel wherever you would like to in the whole world, and even make some calls due to the video conversation feature!

Be Kind to Yourself

Importantly, love yourself a little bit more during that time. That means doing whatever your body sends you signals to do. Take long, hot, bubbly baths, or spend the whole day in bed if that’s what you need.

Just remember not to dwell in misery, and keep yourself occupied with things that typically lift your mood. Even if it’s doing a ton of online shopping at 2 AM or drinking wine for breakfast, we won’t judge.

Set Your Goals

Suppose you’re scared of wasting this time and not being productive, don’t worry: there’s a solution to this problem. In fact, you can achieve all of your goals if you set them beforehand.

Whether it’s taking the daily walks, or reading a few books, creating a detailed list of objectives and putting it in a time-frame will help you plan your daily schedule and make sure you achieve your goals. The feeling of satisfaction guaranteed!

However please remember to not feel bad if you don’t stick to the plan. Be gentle with yourself and show yourself some compassion and understanding. In the end, holiday is not an easy time; don’t push yourself even more.


As you can see, there are multiple ideas on how you can spend the holiday season alone and make this time as fruitful and enjoyable as possible. Importantly, do whatever feels right to you: be your own best friend, who wants to give yourself the best gift possible, in the form of perfectly spent, happy few days.

During this holiday season, except for helping and supporting yourself, we encourage you to remember others who might also feel lonely or unhappy. If you’re a pet lover, you might consider donating money to your local animal shelter or taking some pups on walks. You might also volunteer in one of the homeless people shelters or give charity organizations money or the Christmas gifts.

You can be sure that this act of mercy will not only do some good in the world but will also make you feel better about yourself. Who knows, maybe you’ll find yourself appreciating your own life even more after that?