Marketing your spa business through its menu is an extremely effective strategy. People who are inclined to visit a spa parlor will look for its portfolio of services before even considering booking an appointment. Thus, your services’ menu will be the first point of contact with your spa business for many would-be clients.  

As such, you must hit the right note and attract new clients with your etiquette, pricing, and marketing strategy. What can you do to make your spa menu stand out and sell naturally without having to resort to more expensive marketing tactics? 

  1. Categorize your Services to Make the Menu Legible 

The first item on your agenda should be to categorize all of your services correctly. This can be done by consulting your staff and figuring out a list of items you can provide to clients. Some categories typically found on spa menus include but are not limited to: 

  • Massage therapies 
  • Anti-aging therapies 
  • Essential face therapies 
  • Foot and hand treatments 
  • Hair removal 
  • Beauty spa 
  • Package deals 
  1. Mix and Match Services with Slight Discounts 

Mixing different spa services and listing them under “Package deals” can make them more intriguing to clients. Add to that a slight discount, and they are likely to sell more than individual services. Use Top Essay Writing to write original names for these package deals based on your branding to appear more professional to potential clients. Make sure that any deals that fall under Package deals don’t cause you to lose money due to huge discounts – calculate your pricing carefully. 

  1. List the Benefits of Each Service Under It 

You can make your spa menu more appealing by shortly describing what exactly each service can do for the client. For example, it can make their muscles relax, it can reinvigorate their skin tone, or it can help them recover from body injuries. These practical benefits are something people can easily understand and relate to. It will help even people without any experience visiting a spa to check yours out for curiosity’s sake. 

  1. Write a Short Intro About your Spa Business and Practices 

How long has your spa business been operational? What is your business mantra, and how do you treat your staff? In the age of social awareness and inclusivity, people like to read about businesses that care about their employees. Most of all, writing two-to-three paragraphs of copy about your spa will make it stand out from the competition. 

  1. Include Different Booking Options 

How exactly can people book appointments with your spa business? Some people are introverts and don’t like making phone calls, while others don’t use computers very well – what can you do about that? Make it possible to book appointments through various channels, including phone, email, social media, and your website. Keep track of each channel to know when each appointment is booked and unavailable. 

  1. Be Upfront About your Pricing to Avoid Confusion 

Omitting your pricing can seem professional and “high society”, but it can also dissuade people from visiting your spa business. Be very clear about how much each service costs, just like in a hair salon or a nail business. Some people will naturally be unable to meet your prices, but that’s the price of running a business. Those that do will make up the majority of your clients going forward. 

  1. Prepare Seasonal and Holiday Menus 

You can attract plenty of new clients during special holiday seasons such as Halloween, Christmas, or Easter. Similarly, offering “summer deals” or “winter deals” can work well to appeal to would-be clients. You can rotate the spa menus based on monthly quarters and depending on how much you can invest into printing new menus. Creating seasonal menus will make your business more playful, youthful, and approachable to young and old clients alike. 

  1. Offer Loyalty and Referral Discounts 

A great way to keep clients coming back for more services is to introduce a loyalty program akin to Starbucks stickers. Once a client has visited your business several times, they will be eligible for a discount or a free service. Referring their friends to your business should also add to their points and help you gain new clients organically. 

  1. Rely on Writing Tools to Proofread your Menu 

Proofreading your spa menu before going into print or publishing it online is essential. There’s nothing worse than trying to approach new clients with a menu filled with grammar mistakes and poor formatting. Check out WritingUniverse to get writing assistance and ensure that your menu is free of proofreading or stylistic writing errors. This will help you make a great first impression on new clients. 

  1. End the Spa Menu with a Call to Action 

Calls to action are an integral part of any successful marketing strategy. Once you’ve listed all of your services and proofread them, you should include a simple call to action somewhere on the spa menu. Anything from “visit us today” to “book your spa treatment now” will work, but you can be as creative as you want. Lacking a call to action can lead to fewer people booking appointments with your spa business, so make sure to write one. 

Word of Mouth is the Best Type of Marketing (Conclusion) 

While your spa menu will help you attract new clients at first, wellness and beauty businesses live and die by their reputation. Ask clients to leave online reviews and invite their friends over for treatment. Gather reviews, testimonials, and quotes from clients and use them to market your spa business. As your reputation grows, you will be able to increase your pricing and retain more clients than ever before. 

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