Hair loss is a fairly common condition that affects many people for one reason or another. The factors that contribute to thinning hair or a receding hairline can be numerous. But hair loss can be a source of concern for many people and the reasons behind a specific condition can be hard to determine.   

In our article we will be examining mental health as a potential cause of hair loss as well as some of the most essential solutions to this condition.   

What causes hair loss?  

Hair loss is quite an extensive and complex subject, there are many different types of hair loss and this means that the list of potential causes and contributing factors can be lengthy. Without a full understanding of what is causing the hair loss,    

Hair loss is quite a complex subject, there are many different types of hair loss and because of this, there are different factors and causes. As there are different types of hair loss it can become quite difficult to work out exactly what is causing your hair loss.  

Some of the most important factors that contribute to a hair loss can include genes, age, mental health and hormones can all impact a hair loss condition. If you have noticed that you are experiencing hair loss, you may consider speaking with a specialist who can help you locate the cause of your conditions and recommend an appropriate remedy.    

Mental health can cause hair loss  

The experts agree that there are four main types of hair loss, these are four different aspects of your life that can affect your hair count. There are parts of your lifestyle that play a major role in a small or large hair loss condition, these are alcohol intake, stress, lifestyle habits and even quality of sleep.   

It is not always easy to determine the causes for hair loss and a close examination of the aforementioned factors are always the best place to look for reasons for hair loss.    

Anxiety and hair loss   

According to statistics for the UK, there were over 8.2 million cases of anxiety in 2013 and 19.7% of people 16 and over suffer from symptoms of anxiety. Those that suffer from anxiety often experience hair loss at some point.  

But the good news is that hair loss because of anxiety is not a common condition and typically only strikes those with the most advanced conditions of stress and anxiety.  

It is important to note that stress and anxiety are not the same conditions, but their triggers, symptoms and consequences can be very similar. The key problem in anxiety that leads to hair loss is the stress that is experienced. When stress reaches a constant area it can create conditions that affect the growth and maintenance of hair structures.  

Anxiety is also a major cause of trichotillomania – this is a condition where an anxious person develops a nervous tick in which they pull or yank out their hair subconsciously. This can lead to damage in the scalp and the loss of great quantities of hair.  

Depression and hair loss  

Depression is a more prevalent problem in modern society than most people fully understand. Fewer people understand that depression can contribute to a severe hair loss condition as well. Depression is closely linked to hair loss and those suffering often develop unhealthy dry hair that is brittle and breaks easily.   

This is caused by physiological states that are not conducive to hair growth. When the individual is beset by low self-esteem, depression, loneliness and grief, the body’s own chemical composition opposes the Maintenance and growth of new hair. It is also important to note that some of the leading anti-depressant drugs like Prozac, can also cause conditions of hair loss.  

If you have been suffering from depression and this is something that you have been concerned about, you should visit your GP to learn more about the conditions. You may also ask if they can provide you with a treatment that does not include medication that causes hair loss.   

Stress and hair loss  

Stress can play a major role in hair loss, but the good news is that hair loss caused by prolonged bouts of stress is not a permanent condition. The body reacts to the stress cycle of the body by interrupting the production and maintenance of hair. Once the body has been restored to regular levels the growth cycle of the hair can recommence.  

Stress pushes follicles into the resting phase, this places a cessation on the nutrients and physiological process that keep hair growing in as normal. The hair will typically remain in the resting cycle for about three months before falling out. But once the stress has been resolved, hair growth will resume.  

Stress can play a considerable role in a variety of different mental and emotional conditions. Stress can also come from poor sleep habits, unhealthy eating and insufficient exercise.   

Can my hair loss be treated? 

By treating the underlying mental conditions that are the cause of the hair loss, in some cases the conditions of hair loss can be halted. Stress is the most important point to address as it has the most dramatic effect on hair health. Once stress levels have returned to normal, hair growth can resume naturally. There is the option to have a hair transplant in severe cases. This can build confidence and help to improve your mental health.