When customers arrive for a day at the spa, they want to escape from the stress of their typical days. However, it’s not always that simple. That built-up tension can linger, making it hard to forget the worries and give in to the day’s activities.  

Spa owners can support their clients by providing a soothing environment and making additional efforts to ease their patrons’ minds. The following are tips to help people forget about their external strife and enjoy the pleasantries you have to offer. 

1. Provide Beverage and Food Options 

When people walk in the door, get them to settle down with a glass of water or cup of hot herbal tea. Healthline reports that teas may assist with releasing stress. They suggest lemon balm for general wellness and black tea or herbal mixtures that include lemon balm or Melissa officinalis for tension-relieving effects.  

Stiff muscles aren’t pleasant, and even with a massage, people may enjoy something to provide relief. Place out some light snacks and allow them time to absorb the quiet and enjoy something refreshing. In addition, have options for additional nutritional support like a glycogen supplement that focuses on muscle growth and stamina. 

2. Play Quiet Music 

While silence is golden, it doesn’t help with the nerves. Sitting in a void could worsen the anxiety, leaving customers to review their day. The mind doesn’t slow down or stop; it keeps running. Get your patrons to breathe easier by playing soft music in the background. Webmd.com notes that it can improve mood and decrease stress levels. The site reports that hearing calm music could reduce blood pressure and pain.  

3. Have Warm Blankets 

When a chill lingers in the air, the hair on the skin can begin to prickle, and goosebumps can set in. During a spa treatment, these are awkward indications that clients aren’t enjoying a pleasant environment. They may struggle to settle in and enjoy the treatment. 

4. Consider the Air Temperature 

Be mindful of your spa’s environment. People don’t want to freeze or feel overly warm. Maintain a cool temperature throughout the facility, but have individual thermostats in treatment rooms. Clients can ask for changes to maintain their comfort levels.  

5. Use Aromatherapy 

Scents may help people relax. Lavender, chamomile and peppermint, for example, have reputations for helping mood and stress. Diffuse them in the air before clients arrive. In addition, technicians may use custom blends based on client requests or needs. Have some available to mix with products.  

6. Design a Welcoming Room 

People slide out of their clothes and feel vulnerable, donning a robe and lying on the table. It may help if the room doesn’t look cold and uninviting. Make the room enticing and warm. Hang pictures on the wall and give people a robe when they move to different locations. Like the other items, ensure it’s top-notch and cozy. 

7. Supply High-Quality Linens and Robes 

People can be sensitive to textures. When they lie down for a massage or facial, don’t let them squirm under cold or rough blankets. Instead, invest in high-end options that deliver premium quality. Focus on towels, sheets and blankets that can be warmed up and feel soft to touch. 

8. Embrace Natural Treatment Options 

What line of products do you carry? Although clients want a facial or massage, they don’t want to experience irritation. Those sensitive to chemicals and interested in holistic women’s health may grow nervous about manufactured products, so carry organic or natural selections. Ask clients about allergies, and discuss various options. Allow them to help select their product lines and discuss the benefits of holistic options. 

Set a cozy tone by creating a warm and friendly environment where people feel safe and welcome. From the moment they walk in the door, make an effort to soothe worries and establish an oasis from the harsh and stressful world. Offer soothing refreshments, play relaxing music and invest in materials and treatments that relieve tension and supply comfort. 

Photo by Riccardo from Pexels