Whole body wellness is related to numerous lifestyle factors and mindful choices. Each client comes to their health coach with personal goals, such as growing stronger or losing weight sustainably. Understanding each contributing component equips health experts to address their client’s needs and concerns. Some factors are commonly influential and they can be carefully optimized to improve a client’s health. Think about the following factors that influence physical wellness. 

1. Nutrition 

Eating a well-rounded diet is essential for any health improvement plan. Clients benefit from nutritional tips, guidelines, and accessible menu ideas. Personalized supplements address nutritional needs as part of what is the Thrive experience for clients. Tailor a meal plan to the person’s activity level and fitness goals. 

2. Hydration  

There is no replacement for water. Encourage your clients to stay hydrated so that they can keep moving forward and bypass the effects of dehydration. This is essential for maintaining alertness and skin texture. Electrolyte powders can be dissolved in water to support intense workouts. 

3. Mobility and Balance 

Maintaining mobility and balance is an indicator of longevity. This can be tested at home by standing up from a seat on the floor without using your hands. Studies show that keeping this skill intact correlates with better health as people age. 

4. Exercise 

Help your clients to transition from a sedentary lifestyle to one filled with exercise. Aim for at least 30 to 60 minutes of moderate exercise every day. Provide your clients with a list of workout options and discuss their preferences. This can include weight lifting, running, cycling, swimming, pilates, vinyasa yoga, rock climbing, and more. 

5. Sleep 

People of all ages need quality sleep to rest and recover. This is when many physical healing processes occur. Ideally, your clients would sleep for about eight hours every night. Implement a sleep schedule and encourage clients to limit exposure to blue light from mobile devices in the evening. 

6. Breathing 

Teach simple breathing exercises to calm the nervous system and improve circulation. This grounding practice can help people to relax and avoid pain medications. 

7. Stress 

Heavy stress can result in physical symptoms, such as headaches and unintentional weight changes. Significant stress has been linked to lower immunity. Help clients to manage their major stressors through discussions and coping tools. 

8. Illness Prevention 

Preventing illness is important for staying on track and reducing health complications. Regular health screenings and proactive measures are part of any complete wellness plan. 

9. Injury Prevention 

Ease into any new exercise routine and be particularly cognizant of high-impact workouts. Use resistance bands for stabilizing exercises and stretch regularly. 

10. Healthy Habits 

Physical wellness is a reflection of a person’s predispositions and lifestyle variables. Healthy habits can help to feel a sense of control or direction as a client builds momentum towards total wellness. Suggest habits like active hobbies, daily nature walks, and standing up to move during TV commercial breaks. The small steps add up over time. 

11. Time Outdoors 

Getting outside is key for encouraging movement and breathing fresh air. People who walk or ride their bikes for local errands tend to be healthier than those who jump in the car for every outing. Consider taking clients on a guided hike or suggest a city bike tour to spark interest beyond the comfort of home. 

12. Social Activities  

Living in a community with friends and family can be beneficial for whole body wellness. Encourage clients to become involved in shared activities that will hold them accountable. The mental boost of social connection can reduce emotional stress that impacts physical health, too. 

Your guidance is the key to better health for enthusiastic clients.