Although acne is typically a puberty-related condition, many adults still struggle with it. What might be the issue, and how can you treat acne breakout? Although the breakout is entirely different from acne, it is similar to that of a teenager. Another misconception is that hormone changes induce breakouts, although this is not the case.

However, it’s estimated that up to 15% of adult women have acne. While it emerges in the upper portion of a teenager’s face, it also develops in the bottom part of adult women’s faces. Additionally, adult acne is worse and manifests as cysts. 

The following are the things that cause acne in adults, especially women:

Haircare Products That Contact Your Skin May Cause Acne

When applying hair products to your hair and they come in contact with your forehead, acne can result. It is also a very typical cause of acne known as pomade acne.

The oil that the styling products let off on your forehead may clog your pores with acne-causing bacteria.

Once the clogged pores are irritated, redness, pus, and eventually blackheads and whiteheads appear along the hairline and forehead.

Because of this, you must avoid spraying certain hair products on your forehead.

Lastly, use your hands to apply products and keep them away from your hairline. Wipe your skin with a facial cleanser after application to eliminate any leftovers.

Acne may result from facial hair removal unexpectedly.

Topical products can be comedogenic, clog pores and worsen acne if applied to your skin before or after hair removal.

Be aware that uncomfortable pimples following hair removal may not be acne but “an inflammation of the hair follicle that generates a transitory rash.”

You will need to apply a warm compress to your face three to four times daily to relieve the rash and prevent this issue. Consult your doctor if this doesn’t work. You might need to take an antibiotic to get the rash to go away.

Additionally, use non-comedogenic products that won’t clog your pores and clean hairy areas before de-fuzzing to reduce bacteria on your skin.

Acne may result from overusing skin care products, which can aggravate the skin.

Using an excessive amount of skincare products is never good for the skin. I know a lot of people are guilty of changing skincare products or introducing a new one before allowing it time to take effect. This is very bad. In case you didn’t know, applying too many medicinal products on the skin challenges your skin because each one introduces new preservatives and active ingredients, which can be unpleasant and trigger breakouts.

You should also know that using too many anti-acne products can result in blemishes.

Regardless of the type of skin problems you are experiencing, you need to cut back on the number of skin care products you use. Give skincare products at least four to six weeks to work before changing to another product.

Your Makeup Remover Might Cause Breakouts

Acne cosmetica is a condition when pores are clogged by cosmetics and your natural skin oil. The products and the method of makeup removal can cause acne.

Makeup, grease, and filth accumulate after a long day of use. This triple menace can quickly clog your pores, trap bacteria that cause acne, and result in breakouts.

Look for non-comedogenic products and wash your face entirely and gently every night to prevent developing this type of acne. Apply makeup gently, clean your brushes once a week, and avoid sharing cosmetics.

Traveling to a new place might damage your skin and cause breakouts.

Acne can also be brought on by a change in the environment. As your body adjusts to the sun, heat, and humidity — something it is not used to – it can begin to react and break out.

To fight acne breakouts when you travel, limit the amount of hours you spend outside in the sun, and wear sunscreen containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. This may help you experience fewer outbreaks.

Once more, avoid saturating your epidermis with a new batch of skincare products, as this could worsen the condition.

Heavy Sunscreens May Encourage Breakouts of Acne

If you have acne-prone skin, you must wear sunscreen, but which sunscreen is best for you?

The kind of sunscreen that should be used is oil-free and non-comedogenic.

Unlabeled “heavier” sunscreens that contain oil can clog the skin’s pores and worsen acne.

There are two categories of active compounds in sunscreens. Physical substances (mineral sunscreens) that sit on the skin’s surface to act as a sun shield and chemical substances that penetrate the skin and shield it from damaging UV rays.

Since they reflect the sun’s rays, physical sunscreens are frequently advised for people with sensitive skin. While chemical sunscreens are invisible, extremely light, and leave the face without a sheen, these sunscreens could cause the skin to turn white. and possibly clog pores because they are thicker.

You might require a less thick product if you experience acne after applying physical sunscreen. Replace your current sunscreen with one that contains chemical compounds such as avobenzone, oxybenzone, methoxycinnamate, or octocrylene.

Don’t forget to wash your skin after a day in the sun to remove any remaining sunscreen. If applied overnight, even the sheerest, lightest sunscreens can block pores.

Acne may result from a diet high in processed foods and refined carbohydrates.

As teenagers, we thought chocolate cake and fried food were to blame for our breakouts. And now that you’re an adult, it might still be the case for you.

Recent scientific data reveals that eating a lot of carbohydrates may increase your risk of developing acne. In particular, diets high in refined carbohydrates (often known as “white” foods, such as white bread and white pasta, along with crackers, cake, and cookies) and low in fiber may worsen outbreaks. However, further research is required. A glycemic index scale measures how much a particular diet can alter blood sugar levels.

Additionally, dairy consumption and acne may be related. Multiple studies have demonstrated that dairy products raise insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels, which can initiate or exacerbate acne breakouts. 

Cow’s milk, particularly low-fat milk, which has a higher sugar content than full-fat milk and contains a lot of progesterone-like hormones, is one of the most aggravating types of dairy.

Reduce your intake of snacks like chips and ice cream and replace them with whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and high-protein foods.

About the Author:

Uday Tank is a serial entrepreneur and content marketing leader who serves the international community at Rankwisely. He enjoys writing, including marketing, productivity, business, health, diversity, and management.