Caroline Edimo

Caroline Edimo

The Garden Spa & Beauty

Interesting things about you and the business you are in?

Spa/Company Name: The Garden Spa & Beauty


How did you end up in the industry? Because this my favorite place in the world.  I love spas.  I had a cosmetics shop in Paris and when we found this space here in Miami, we jumped on the opportunity!

If you are not working…what are you doing? Taking care of my baby girl.

Recent books or movies you’ve enjoyed?  Recent?no lol but i love match point from Woody Allen, and one of my favorite author is Harlan Coben.

Favorite vacation taken? Spain!

If you were not in a spa career, what would you be doing? Rockstar because i love to sing.

Spa/Facility info:

What best describes your spa? Day Spa and Salon

Total square footage of your facility? 5,000

How many treatment rooms do you have? 5

What new treatments have you added recently?  Oxygen facial

What is your signature treatment? Vitamin c facial

What percentage of your business comes from Retail sales? 20%

Anything else you would like to share? We just opened 🙂 and we will be a Clarins spa in October.