Hi friends,

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Yes, we are in hard times “right now” and frankly, I don’t see it easing up any time soon. The saving grace is the world will recover, our business will recover and even though we might not get back to “things as normal” we will get back to life and business.

As I write to you from California, basically everything is shut down and we are in a “hover in place” mode. Ironically, we are in a touch business when know one wants to touch. Some spas are still open here, but for the most part only the essentials (bank, gas, grocery) are open for business. This is truly a “black swan” event for most people and that means they’re scared, afraid. Enough negative, what’s to be done in the meantime?

Here is Allan’s shortlist (and it’s my gut feeling, nothing more):

1. tighten down financially

2. try keeping your folks on the payroll severely reduced

3. stop any auto-drafts you can live without

4. communicate to your clientele, keep them in the loop on what you’re doing, offer any products on your shelves at a steep discount to get cash moving

5. clean and scrub your facility down

6. layout a plan for getting back up and running when the time comes

7. connect to other owner/operators, find out what they’re doing, share good insights

8. and lastly, keep in touch with your staff/team, regardless of them being on your payroll, 1099, whatever…don’t lose touch.

We are in a person-to-person business and that goes for all of us. Reach out to me with your thoughts at [email protected]