It is at times such as these, that relationships mean everything.

All of us at évolis Professional Hair Care want to lend our support to your Salon, Spa or Beauty Organization. We understand that during this mandated pause in our Industry all of our clients are experiencing feelings of uncertainty as to how long of a period will pass before their scheduled beauty appointments can be resumed.  évolis Hair would like to partner with you to bring a sense of comfort and relief to YOUR clients and customers.   Some clients have critical hair issues and may be feeling anxiety being separated from their favorite beauty destinations. Hair loss and hair thinning are very emotional to all who experience it, and during times of stress hair loss can escalate and intensify. In fact, stress is one of the top contributors of hair loss.

While nothing can ever replace professional beauty services, évolis Professional would like to help you and your clients with this at home beauty offer:

·        For your Clients:

  • 15% off and free 2-day shipping
  1. For you:
    • 25% commission on all purchases made by your clients, friends or family

How it works:

·         All you need to do is opt in and we will send you your own coupon code.  When the code is used for purchases on our website, the 15% discount will be automatically taken off the order and orders will be sent, free of charge, via 2-day shipping. 

·         All orders placed using your coupon code will be eligible for payment of 25% commission directly to you.  Commissions will be paid monthly by check on the 15th of each month

·         We will send you a post-able announcement with your coupon code that you can use.

·         You or your establishment do NOT have to currently sell our products to participate.

We at évolis believe this is the best way to reach out to the community we love and provide an option for income at this uncertain time. Please respond to us by Friday, April 3, 2020to opt into this program. This program will run until May 31, 2020.

Please email us at; [email protected]  or call Nicole at 973.223.8898 with questions or a quick training on the products.

About évolis Professional:

évolis Professional is the first truly anti-aging hair care collection.  Formulated with a proprietary blend of 100% natural botanical actives that REVERSE hair aging, PROMOTE faster and better hair growth and PREVENT future hair challenges.    

Come in today and learn how to REVERSE hair aging, PROMOTE gorgeous hair, and PREVENT future hair challenges.
