Ah, yes!  Another IECSC Las Vegas in the books.  The town greeted us with scorching temps, hovering around 109 degrees each day,  but in the comfortable air-conditioning of the Las Vegas Convention Center, we set out to make this three day spa show a roaring success…and it was!
In the hustle and bustle of the  aisles, we saw old friends, made new ones and welcomed first-timers to the show.  We walked miles (literally), supporting our education partners and their classes.  We signed up hundreds of new members to the Association and spoke to practically every vendor on the floor.  As we fly home, tired from the heat and the miles walked, we start to look forward to the next show (IECSC Ft. Lauderdale November 15-16).  See us there and come grow your friends and knowledge of the spa and wellness industry.  www.iecsc.com