Raw Organic Dry Bay Leaves in a Bowl

Nobody wants to deal with pain. Aside from hurting, it causes discomfort that can make it hard to enjoy the things that we love. While many medications can help with pain, living an active lifestyle and incorporating holistic healing methods like bay leaf oil can help you get more relief from your pain.

Bay leaf oil is a type of essential oil, and while it’s not the only solution for your pain, it can help you reduce inflammation and reduce chronic pain from conditions like arthritis. That said, it’s always important to use high-quality oils and understand their limitations.

Read on to learn everything you need to know about bay leaf oil for pain.

What Is Bay Leaf Oil?

A Bay leaf is a leaf that comes from the laurel tree. It’s used as a spice in cooking for its rich antioxidants and flavor but it’s also effective for treating pain. 

Bay leaf oil is an essential oil that comes from the leaves. It’s made through steam distillation and usually has more potent effects than ground or chopped bay leaves. As an essential oil, it’s used for aromatherapy, medicine, hair care, pain management, and even cosmetic use.

Is Bay Leaf Oil Safe?

Yes, bay leaf oil is safe. It’s one of the safest essential oils available because of its natural ingredients. That said, it’s possible to have an allergic reaction to anything. So, while it’s rare, contact your doctor and stop using bay leaf oil for pain if you notice any rashes or other side effects. 

Can Bay Leaf Oil for Pain: How it Helps

When it comes to pain management, bay leaf oil is one of the best essential oils you can use. Bay leaves can help with pain because they have anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce pain and swelling. Furthermore, they can improve blood flow to areas impacted by varicose veins. Learn more about the types of pain bay leaves that can help you with below.

What Types of Pain Can Bay Leaf Oil Treat?

Bay leaf oil can help you manage a few types of pain. That said, it works best when used for aches and you should always apply it to the surface for the best results. 

We list some of the common ailments that can be treated with bay leaf oil below:

  • Arthritis
  • Earaches
  • Sore muscles from working out
  • Sprains
  • Tendonitis
  • Lower back pain
  • Headaches
  • Achy joints

These are only some of the ailments that bay leaf oil can be used for. Depending on your needs or area of pain, you can apply it elsewhere.

How to Use Bay Leaf Oil for Pain 

Using bay leaf oil for pain isn’t challenging when you know what you’re doing. The first step is to acquire some bay leaf oil, either by making it or getting an essential oil. From there, you can treat pain by applying bay leaf oil or by adding it to a bath or aroma diffuser.

How to Apply Bay Leaf Oil for Pain 

Applying bay leaf oil for pain isn’t difficult once you have the oil. All you need to do is locate the area you’re having pain and run some bay leaf oil on it. Make sure your skin absorbs some of the oil for the best results. If you notice any side effects or if the pain gets worse, make sure you stop applying bay leaf oil and visit your doctor.

Bathe with Bay Leaf Oil 

Another way to get relief is to add it to your bath. A few drops mixed in with your bath can help you relieve sore muscles and inflamed joints. Make sure you don’t use too much oil or else you might get drowsy, especially when it’s mixed with the relaxing warm water of a bath.

Aroma Diffuser 

The last way you can use bay leaf oil for pain is with an aroma diffuser. In this case, it’s best to use a diffuser if you have chronic pain that keeps you awake at night. This is because bay leaves can make you drowsy, which can help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

These are the best ways to use bay leaf oil for pain. Unfortunately, the hard part is finding the right solution.

How to Get Bay Leaf Oil

Bay leaf oil isn’t the same as bay leaves. You need to refine the leaves and extract the active ingredients that treat pain and reduce inflammation. There are a few ways to make bay leaf oil but we always recommend using an essential oil that’s made to help with your pain.

Where to Get Bay Leaf Essential Oil

Essential oils are a great way to get potent bay leaves without needing to crush or cook bay leaves. While you can do so at home, you’re better off getting essential oil that’s been distilled by professionals, like this bay leaf oil from Wholesale Botanics. Doing so ensures that you get high-quality bay leaf oil that performs well for your pain. 

Plus, high-quality bay leaf essential oils for pain can be used in more than one way. For example, you can run it through an aroma diffuser or add it to your bath for even better results.

How to Make Bay Leaf Oil

Making bay leaf oil at home is also possible but you need the right tools. You’ll need bay leaves, olive oil, a jar, and some storage space. Follow the steps below to infuse your bay leaf oil.

  1. Crunch or grind the bay leaves. Use about 20 grams.
  2. Pour one cup of olive oil into a jar that has a lid. Dark-colored jars are one of the best options to prevent UV light from getting in.
  3. Place the bay leaves in the jar and cover the jar.
  4. Store the jar in a dry, cool location.
  5. Wait two weeks.
  6. Strain the bay leaves out of the olive oil.

Once you strain the bay leaves you can start applying them to your skin to treat pain. We recommend adding more bay leaves once you strain it.

Making bay leaf oil for pain at home is possible but it’s always best to get a professional blend for the best results.

Say Goodbye to Aches and Pains with Bay Leaf Oil 

Bay leaf oil is one of the best essential oils around for pain management. It can help you treat several types of pain and can even improve your immune system or spice up your next meal. Always make sure you get high-quality essential oils from reputable brands for the best possible results.

Additionally, make sure you consult with your doctor before starting any alternative treatment methods for pain. If you notice any rashes after using bay leaf oil for pain make sure you stop using it and look for an alternative.

Image source – Depositphotos