Obesity is an ever growing epidemic and with it comes countless deteriorative consequences. Let’s make one thing clear; everyone should love every inch of their body. All the curves, flaccidity or firmness. One can look beautifully thick and have an impeccable health. By now, we should  know all bodies work differently. However, the rising obesity epidemic comes accompanied with rising diabetes, heart disease, and higher cancer risks. Unfortunately, there’s no way around that.

If you’re in this peculiar situation and have tried everything on the internet in the hopes of helping you beat obesity; we hear you and we’re here for you. Thankfully, researchers have been very busy. The controversial and often notorious cannabis plant could be the answer. Or rather CBD (cannabidiol), an active ingredient present in the cannabis plant.

Are we saying you need to get high to trim down? Not necessarily but if you want to try, be our guest. Let us know how that goes.

If you don’t feel like smoking a Jay, you can use CBD for weight loss without ever getting high.

                What is CBD?

Cannabidiol is a compound in the marijuana plant. Unlike THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) which is also found in marijuana, CBD doesn’t have any psychoactive effects. The Weed you see across all the media or Seth Rogen movies, usually contains a much higher concentration of THC than CBD.

CBD products contain little to zero THC. Industrial hemp is often grown to contain more CBD than THC and the CBD is then extracted for products.

When you want to buy a CBD product, do your research to make sure the manufacturer and supplier are reputable (some poor quality products contain heavy metals). Also,do us a favor and double check the THC concentration. High-quality brands will indicate whether or not they include THC and the amount of concentration in it.

                How Can CBD Help for Weight Loss?

Still feeling a bit starstruck? “This too good to be true”.

Fortunately, unlike most new diets, this one is actually true.

Let’s take a look at how exactly CBD can help with weight loss:

                Suppresses Appetite

There is a study in the Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology done in 2010 in which they compared the effects of high THC: low CBD cannabis strains vs high CBD: low THC cannabis strains. One thing they noticed was that instead of causing the munchies, the high CBD: low THC strains actually blunted the users’ appetites.

                Converts White Fat to Brown Fat

Let’s start with the facts: You have two different types of fat in your body, White Fat and Brown Fat. We don’t mean subcutaneous (under the skin) fat and visceral (around the organs) fat. White fat is the more abundant fat in your body. When you gain weight, this is the type of fat that is accumulating in your body.

Brown fat usually sits between our shoulder blades and helps to keep us warm and also burns calories, unlike white fat. Here is a 2016 study explaining how CBD converts white fat into brown/beige fat. It’s all a little complicated, but the gist of it is that it starts to change the genes and proteins in a way that starts to brown the white fat.

This results in:

  • The breakdown of fatty tissue and the prevention of more being created.
  • More mitochondria, which are like the powerhouses of cells, are created resulting in a higher metabolism.

                How to Use CBD Oil Products for Weight Loss

There are stores popping up left and right, online and physically. So finding products that suit your preference isn’t that hard. You have optionst:

  • CBD drops: Flavored or plain to take on your tongue, in water or juice, or via a vape pen.
  • CBD edibles: Cookies, candy, cold drinks, you name it. Just watch the sugar content.
  • CBD capsules: If you don’t want either of the above options, taking a capsule is easy.


The dosage is unique for every person. It’s suggested to start at a low dose, as low as 5mg, and then you can work your way up. When scientists and medical professionals test whether CBD helps for certain diseases, such as schizophrenia and epilepsy, they sometimes use doses over 1000mg.

This amount may be excessive for general everyday use. Most people don’t need a dose nearly as high as that. Most people will see the benefit at 50mg, some will need more, and others might need less.

In other words, take your time to find the dosage that works for you. The products will have a recommended dose. If you are uncertain, stick to that.

                Are There Side Effects?

At doses below 100mg, there usually are none. Although rare, the large doses that are used in the medical trials, may cause side effects like diarrhea, feeling tired, and sometimes changes in their weight (both up and down) and appetite, according to some people.

If you start at a low dose and work your way up slowly to about 50mg, your body will generally have time to adjust without noticeable side effects. Just remember that everyone is different, so don’t try to force your body to take a higher dose if a lower dose works perfectly fine.

                Drug Interactions

If you are on any medication, be sure to speak to your doctor first to be on the safe side. Cannabidiol can make the body process medication differently by making them less efficient or even increasing their effects.

                Will CBD Test Positive on Drug Tests?

No. Drug tests look for THC and since CBD products don’t generally contain any; you will not test positive. Yes, you can relax.

                What About the Law?

In the states where weed is legal, there will be no problem. CBD products are not generally considered illegal due to the lack of THC, but some people have experienced their parcels being confiscated as they go through customs or other channels of delivery. So be sure to check the laws in your particular state and/or get them from a physical store.

Slimming down can be hard but not impossible. Living a healthy life is not for a size sake; it’s for your wellness. It’s about loving yourself and taking the time to learn your body and providing it what it needs. Eat healthy foods, be sure to exercise, and why not try boosting your efforts with CBD oil. It won’t hurt. Just bear in mind that it’s not a miracle solution but nothing really is. It will make it a little easier though and isn’t that what we’re all looking for? A little help. It will still take time, but be consistent and don’t give up or put yourself down. You will see results. Ask anyone that was once in your situation and were able to power through it; it’s possible.

If you are doing everything right and still see no difference after a few months, go see your doctor. Thyroid problems and diabetes can be to blame. The correct treatment should sort it out.

Have you tried CBD products for weight loss? Will you try it? Let us in on the details, we want to know.