7 Weeks of FREE Education!

Hello friends in foot care!After the phenomenal response that we received for our Infection Prevention class, we are pleased to announce our next set of educational webinars.Footlogix® and The North American School of Podology have partnered to present you a...

Top Skin Care Brands Unite in Virtual Skin Care Festival

Many areas of the U.S. are under mandated shut down of non-essential retail businesses due to the COVID-19 / Coronavirus.  This covers spas, salons, medical spas, nail salons, massage studios, yoga studios and many other wellness based businesses. This all came...

$2T Emergency LIVE Meeting Sunday

A message from the Spa Industry Association President Allan Share… Allan here with a timely personal message and invite. This is truly unprecedented. But, so is COVID-19. And the way the new $2 TRILLION STIMULUS CARES Act government bill works, just passed...

Make Plans To Join Town Hall: Services

We’re all facing unique challenges right now, and for business owners, the stakes are particularly high. We want to offer support and help in the ways we can. Now more than ever, we recognize that business owners may need a space to communicate and learn from one...


When you sit down to write to anyone right now, there are 3 things I want you to address – in each message you write, and over the coming weeks as the situation evolves. Phase 1: Shock. Never in my life have I experienced such a universal emotion. People around...

Three Things to Do to Manage Your Members!

Patti Biro, Patti Biro and Associates When we return to operational status members can help to fill the books and help us quickly in the spa and wellness industry to return to “the new normal” . In the mean time there are three things that you should do immediately as...


While the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is causing an abundance of concerns for all walks of life, this also a game-changer for respiratory wellness and the Salt Therapy industry. Unfortunately, it may take a global pandemic to bring attention to having people focus on...