All About Luxurious Spa Treatment Using Diamonds

Shine bright like a diamond! Did you not take Rihanna seriously when she serenaded about how you should shine like a diamond? Jokes apart! Diamond facial has various benefits, and for its numerous benefits, actresses like Mila Kunis and Katy Perry are opting for these...

How to Use Social Media for Your Day Spa Business Growth

Want to use the power of social media to grow your Day Spa? There are a lot of ways to use social media to grow your business. Combined, the biggest social media platforms have about two billion users worldwide. This means there is a high chance that all your...

A Mug of Relaxation the World Needs Now 

Especially after the last few years, stress and anxiety are no longer strangers to most of the world, particularly to our spas.  As operators, you’ve probably noticed an uptick in the number of people seeking support for relaxation.   When socializing in...

Six Mistakes to Avoid When Opening a Salon: A Helpful Guide

Opening your own salon and building a salon business can be hugely exciting and fulfilling, but it can also be daunting. The birth of a new venture is a risk as well as a joy, and it involves an enormous amount of hard work. But a bit of foresight can ensure you get...

Primal Healing Scrub

Primal Healing’s Infused Skin Scrub can be used for manicures, pedicures and facials.  Our process infuses a variety of whole herb ingredients into a sunflower oil carefully-selected for its extensive benefits for the skin and body. The resulting herbal infusion is a...

7 Best Ways to Relax Your Nerves Before an Important Event 

It can be stressful to know that something great is ahead of you and the outcome rests on your input or involvement. The reality of this truth can be nerve-wracking, not to mention that it is intimidating to some extent. However, when a project is too important, you...

Healthy minds live in healthy bodies

Both mental and physical wellness are intertwined. Basic and routine maintenance is beneficial to both. Nutrition, hygiene, and exercise are the cornerstones of maintaining a healthy mind and body. While nutrition and exercise are commonly considered as instruments...

5 Ways Massage Therapists Can Work Smarter 

Massage therapists can be at risk of injury from repeatedly performing the exact same movements repeatedly during the course of their work. Repetitive injuries can lead to a lifetime of chronic pain and leave you unable to work. Here are five ways you can minimize...

Making Your Wellness Business a Welcoming Space 

Wellness businesses and spas should inherently be known as places where people can come to relax and de-stress. After leaving, they should feel rejuvenated and better than they did when they walked in the door.   So, while the services you provide are...