Does your business actively post on social media? Do you blog? Have an e-newsletter? How about creating videos about your spa or skin care practice? It’s likely you answered yes to at least one of those questions, and maybe all four. Guess what you are doing? Creating content.

Now, more than ever, content is king. Why is content creation important? Your leads, clients, potential partners, and media want to read great content. In fact, 20% of the time that an internet user spends online is spent just reading content and 80% of internet users like to learn about companies through the custom content they provide.1

Content helps you attract and engage customers, bring new visitors to your website or facility, and reach the end result of building your bottom line. Content creation and marketing also positions your brand and yourself as experts.

Through creating your own content, you also demonstrate expertise in your field (skin care, spa management, massage, and so forth), while providing knowledge that can help educate readers’ purchasing, wellness, and lifestyle decisions. 

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