In the midst of performing the mundane tasks of day-to-day life, sometimes your relationship with your partner can start to fall behind. It might feel like everything else is more urgent, and that quality time can always wait because there are other things that need to be done first. It’s easy to put off spending time with your partner when the to-do list just seems to keep getting longer and constant stress makes it difficult to switch off and relax.

Sometimes this lack of time spent together is what leads to more frequent arguments – because the communication has been damaged or lost – which is why it can be important to carve out time together to talk and reconnect. A spa retreat may not solve all your problems, but it’s a great place to start. It will allow you the opportunity to relax without having to worry about making much of a plan – no itinerary necessary. Sharing new experiences and visiting new locations together is a great way to remind each other of what you originally loved about the other.

Many couples spa retreats also offer relationship counselling, which might help your relationship more than relaxation. Seeking marriage counselling should not be a taboo topic, and even before you go away it might be beneficial to speak with a counselor about how to approach the vacation; particularly if you feel that you and your partner might find it difficult not to fight. In order to have a productive and restorative weekend getaway, prior preparation and healing might be necessary.

On a spa retreat, you’ll have the opportunity to get massages together, soak in a sauna, do couples yoga or have cocktails by the pool. Some retreats also offer the chance to engage in hobbies together and take cooking, photography or crafting classes. You can engage in relaxing activities by yourself or together. If you’re still not convinced, here are 5 proven reasons why a getaway will improve your relationship.

New Experiences

Sharing new experiences and learning about new things together creates a unique bonding experience. Relationships are often at their healthiest when both partners feel like they are growing – taking a vacation together gets you away from your normal routine and encourages this growth. Different experiences also lead to more positive feelings – similar to the ones felt during new love.

Boosts Happiness

A number of studies have proven that simply planning a trip away can improve your mood immensely. The anticipation of the trip alone could help improve your attitude towards your partner in the weeks leading up to it, and the trip itself will allow you to fully immerse yourself in relaxation mode. This is likely to increase spontaneity and open-minded thinking, and reduce tension in your relationship.

Reduce Stress

Leisure pursuits are known to alleviate stress levels and an extended leisure pursuit like a holiday is primed to reduce the strain of work and family related stress on your relationship. Plus, the creation of more happy and encouraging memories will tip the ratio of positive to negative in your relationship and give you more to appreciate.

Increased Connection

The benefits of being away from your typical routine mean that there are a lot less distractions. This provides more opportunity to connect with your partner, and more space for fun and freedom. Experts say that experiences are more likely to spark romance and cultivate intimacy than material gifts, and the opportunities for moments of connection on a holiday are likely to be more frequent because of the changed environment.

A Vacation With Intention

Retreats are becoming increasingly popular because they are intended to be a transformative, meaningful experience. The environment encourages openness and experimentation. The benefit of doing something like this with your partner means that the insights and feelings you have while on the trip will carry on long after the experience has ended, and continue to have a positive impact on your relationship in your daily life. You will be able to reflect on the adventure together and it may inspire you to plan more activities together, have a regular date night or even take another holiday.