Paltrow is partially responsible for this growth. Her company, which launched as a newsletter for recipes and products a decade ago, has dominated the conversation among women seeking alternatives to traditional medicine.

At the March 9 “In Goop Health” conference in New York, women in expensive athleisurewear signed liability releases absolving the company of responsibility should the “services, products, or equipment involved in the event” require later medical treatment. It’s the second time the conference has been held in New York.

Upon entering the event space overlooking the East River, attendees – who paid $US1000 ($1400) or $4500 – were given free Keds sneakers and an orange drink called “GOOPGLOW,” which tasted vaguely like Fanta. Unprompted, a male server said the sweet concoction would “revitalise the skin.” The conference, which began in 2017, has expanded in recent years from Los Angeles to London, promoting products ranging from “psychic vampire repellent” to an $US85 “goop medicine bag” of gemstones. All are available for sale on the company’s website.

Goop now makes 70 per cent of its total revenue through product sales, offering everything from Chanel bags to CB2 pink velvet sofas, according to the company. Its own line of products, including Paltrow’s G. Label clothing brand and Goop dietary supplements, have become the company’s fastest growing revenue stream, seeing 50 per cent year-over-year growth. Revenue from wellness products and events has nearly tripled in the last two years. “We’re marketing to a very actionable consumer because they’re a shopper,” said chief revenue officer Kimberly Kreuzberger.

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