person clicking Apple Watch smartwatch

Virtually every industry in the world has been affected by modern technology. From the Internet of Things to mobile connectivity and smart marketing campaigns, customers have undoubtedly benefitted from such advancements. The spa industry is certainly not different. Not only can wellness centres leverage a number of bespoke solutions, but these very same approaches will help to enhance customer satisfaction while simultaneously providing targeted solutions. Let us take a look at how technology is continuing to reshape the traditional spa community.

The Presence of VoIP Systems

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has existed within the business world for over two decades and its presence within spas is on the rise. This is primarily attributed to the ways in which it increases productivity. For instance, employees can synchronise their schedules, contact clients while out and about, employ automated answering services, and host conference calls in order to keep customers informed of the latest advancements. All of these tasks would be much more difficult with traditional telephony services. Other advantages include:

  • Increased security.
  • VoIP can be used in combination with other IoT services.
  • Higher levels of customer satisfaction.
  • These systems can be adapted to meet the needs of a specific spa.

Still, spas have many other technological amenities at their disposal and some of these may be slightly surprising.

Customer-Centred Mobile Services

person holding black smartphone near macbook pro

Spas are likewise employing dedicated smartphone applications in order to enhance end-user satisfaction. For example, guests can now schedule a treatment session with a swipe of their finger. Mobile-check in services are likewise becoming commonplace. Customers can choose to provide their personal details so that employees are more aware of what treatments are the most relevant. All of these possibilities will provide a more streamlined experience.

All About Automation

Traditional record-keeping techniques were often long, confusing, and laborious. The good news is that modern digital methods have taken much of the guesswork out of the equation. User-friendly spreadsheets, cloud-based data storage and digital reservation forms will all enable employees to adopt a highly efficient work environment. Furthermore, the automation associated with these tasks is excellent in terms of promoting in-house efficiency. Thus, more attention can be devoted client satisfaction while still offering quality spa services.

Fulfilling Guest Expectations

woman in white bathtub holding clear drinking glass

Spa clients have come to rely upon digital solutions and therefore, establishments should always be able to cater to these needs. There are several benefits attributed to this approach. The first involves the automated techniques that were previously discussed. However, we should also remember that spas which have adopted the latest technology will clearly illustrate that they are remaining one step ahead of the curve while still caring for the needs of the average customer. This will help to breed loyalty and brand awareness over time.

More Targeted Marketing Campaigns

We need to remember that spa technology also encompasses what occurs “behind the scenes”. One example involves how smart marketing techniques can better target the right customers at the right times. Campaigns will be based off of past treatments and purchases; enabling sales representatives to leverage tailor-made solutions as opposed to relying upon mass marketing alone. This saves a great deal of time and perhaps more importantly, it is much easier to develop a long-term relationship with the end user.

Final Thoughts

When the technological innovations highlighted above are then combined with traditional spa services (such as holistic medicine, meditation seminars and massage sessions), it becomes clear that customers will enjoy benefits on both ends of the spectrum. Of course, these very same technologies are continuing to evolve. Therefore, it pays to keep up to date with the latest advancements.

Author Bio: This article was written by Seamus Dunne of Conversation Piece. Seamus regularly works with businesses in the spa and wellness industry to improve sales through technology like VoIP Phone Systems.