Promoting your spa successfully is essential for creating a good image of your business and attracting new customers. But while you may be used to online and offline advertising, there’s a lot to gain from content marketing as well. Hence, here’s how to attract more customers to your spa using content marketing. 

#1 Create Guides for Your Seasonal Offers 

You likely have seasonal offers as well as service packages you offer during holidays. It’s a good idea to create dedicated guides for your offers that will explain to customers how you put together these offers and why they will be particularly useful to your customers. The guides can be in the form of articles, videos, or even social media posts. 

#2 Regularly Get Professional Photos Taken 

You probably already hired a professional photographer to take photos of your spa to use in your marketing. But how long ago was that? If the pictures are old, it’s probably time to get new ones. Moreover, you should be updating your image collection regularly to show fresh photos (and videos) of your spa to potential customers who have never been there. 

#3 Send Personalized Emails to Subscribers 

Email marketing is still one of the most powerful types of digital marketing, but when you personalize your emails, you can achieve even better results with it. Look at the past purchases of your customers and think of how you can personalize the emails you send to them. For example, a customer who regularly gets a specific procedure at your spa will likely be interested in getting a procedure related to it – especially if you offer a discount for it. 

#4 Utilize SMS Marketing to the Fullest 

Another type of marketing you can use for your current customers is SMS marketing. By sending SMS texts, you can remind your customers about their favorite services at your spa, inform them about your seasonal or holiday offers, and give them exclusive personal discounts. SMS marketing is perfect for keeping your customers interested and inviting them to come back to your spa. 

#5 Respond to Customer Reviews and UGC 

Engaging with your customers is critical for building a strong relationship with your audience. That’s why it’s necessary to respond to customer reviews and user-generated content (e.g. Instagram posts where your spa is tagged). If you don’t have time, you can outsource some of your content creation by hiring a professional writer from the writing services reviews site Trust My Paper while you interact with customers online. 

#6 Launch a Survey to Get Customer Feedback 

Collecting customer feedback is necessary in and of itself to understand how satisfied your clients are and how you can improve the services you provide. Interestingly, you can also integrate feedback collection into your content marketing strategy by launching a survey. You can promote it on your social media, through email marketing, and on your website. 

#7 Be Active on Social Media with Useful Content 

Speaking of social media, staying active on different platforms by posting useful content will not only help you grow your followers but also establish an attractive brand image. When creating your content, always think about your customers first. If it will be useful to your customers in some way (informational, educational, or entertaining), then you should definitely create and post it. 

#8 Organize Giveaways and Contests 

Giveaways and contests are perfect for attracting attention, but they can also be great for engaging your ideas. Besides, they are perfect for kickstarting content marketing campaigns on social media. As a prize, you can create special offers, provide discounts for the winner’s favorite services at your spa, and so on. 

#9 Illustrate Your Spa’s Benefits with Infographics 

Infographics gained popularity in the past few years thanks to their visual appeal and ability to present complex processes in a straightforward and simple way. That’s why you can use them to illustrate your spa’s benefits. You can make infographics with statistics about your spa and use them on your website’s achievements page or post them on social media. 

#10 Contact Influencers and Find Brand Ambassadors 

Influencer marketing also became quite popular, so even the smallest businesses now work with influencers or have their own brand ambassadors. You can also do this for your own spa. Hire professional writers from the custom writing reviews site Best Essays Education to write content that your influencers or brand ambassadors will post on their social media profiles. 

#11 Show Off Your Team with Staff Highlights 

It’s important to humanize your brand and show that your spa is not just a company – it’s also the people working there. By creating staff highlights and sharing the stories of your team members, you can create a more humanized image for your brand. That’s what people love and that’s how you can give them a reason to actually care about your spa. 

#12 Publish Product Reviews from Customers 

As mentioned earlier, engaging with UGC is important for building a bond with your customers. But in addition to that, you can also curate product reviews from your customers and republish or repost them on your own social media profiles, website, and emails. It’s a way to show that you hear your customers as well as a way to use social proof to persuade new customers to come to your spa. 

#13 Film Videos Instead of Writing FAQs 

Last but not least, you can start filming videos instead of writing FAQs. While FAQs are very common nowadays, some people would still prefer to watch a short video instead of reading FAQs. You can create a knowledge base on your website where you answer the most common customer questions, but instead of writing information, just make videos. 

Final Thoughts 

All in all, all of these ideas can be valuable additions to your digital marketing strategy and can help you improve your brand image, build a strong relationship with your customers, and attract new clients. Utilize these ideas to start creating more interesting and helpful content as well as using existing content for your marketing campaigns.