Location is the most important factor for many businesses, especially for those that rely on direct contact with the customers. Since 2020 was a year that saw small businesses and many bigger ones failing or being forced to close down, the importance of picking the best possible spot for your day spa business seems more crucial than ever. So, let’s take a look at the factors you should consider if opening up or relocating your day spa business.

Your day spa business needs to be near your clients

To attract a client, you need to think like one. If you don’t want to travel far to get your back massage or any other treatment done, neither will your customers. People are usually willing to visit salons and spa centers that are no more than 10-15 minutes away from their home or workspace.

So, there’s your starting point. If you already have a solid client base, you should research their habits and even discuss the possible location with the most loyal ones. On the other hand, if you are opening your day spa business for the first time, you might be in a slightly better position. You will not have to part with some of your loyal customers, and nothing will be holding you down. In that case, you should research your target group’s habits and try to find the location that suits them best.

Don’t rush it

Finding the perfect spot might take a while, but you should take your time to do it right. Once that box is ticked, start thinking about the size of the place you plan to lease and the equipment you need for your operation. While at it, don’t forget to find assistants for your relocation and choose the perfect service for your needs – will you need help with packing and unpacking, or you just need someone to transport your stuff? You see, there are a lot of things to bear in mind when opening a day spa business.

Choose the establishment that suits you best

There are three basic types of day spa establishments in terms of where they are located. These facilities usually take place within:

  • storefront properties
  • shopping centers or strip malls
  • freestanding buildings;

Each of the three establishments has its pros and cons you should study carefully before you make your final decision and put your signature on the lease agreement.

Storefront properties are excellent for business districts with high foot traffic. They are in high demand, and therefore they are not the least expensive option for your day spa.

Shopping centers or strip malls are great for opening a day spa business if you can afford them. Even though the malls have restrictions in terms of competition (which basically means you will be the only entrepreneur offering day spa services within the mall) and overall great conditions for starting a business, their rents can be ridiculously high. People visiting a shopping center are your target group, and you don’t have to think about competition, but such conveniences come with a price tag.

Freestanding buildings are similar to storefront properties, but these facilities provide you with more freedom to manage the design of your place, the utilities, etc.

The location needs to be safe and easily accessible

Pedestrian zones that get a lot of foot traffic might be the best choice for your day spa business, but they are not the only ones out there. Even busy streets or places near frequently used highways can be great spots for your business. What’s important is that your salon is easily accessible to your target clients. In some areas, parking might not be necessary, but it is certainly a plus.

Safety should be one of the first concerns on your mind when picking a location for your day spa business. The area needs to be well-lit and safe for you and your clients. The crew from Miami Movers for Less will easily transport all of your furniture and equipment to any chosen location, but you are the one who needs to feel safe getting to and from work every day. Visit the potential spot several times a day before you decide to lease. That will give you the most precise image of the neighborhood your business will be located in.

Vicinity of other amenities is important

If you want your day spa business to be a success, you need to think strategically and place it in between other busy businesses. That is one of the reasons why salon-owners choose shopping centers or strip malls for their operating. They already have their target group walking around shopping, and they might easily feel like popping in and making an appointment on the spot (not to mention that their parking is settled too). You don’t have to fight for their attention since your salon will probably be the only one of that kind within the facility.

Now, in the light of the current pandemic, strip malls might become a bit more popular than shopping centers, which might be reflected in 2021 spa trends.

When picking a spot for your day spa business, you should also look for hair salons and places offering similar services since they have the same target clientele as you do. For instance, when someone comes to get their hair done in a salon and sees a new spa center right next to it, they might be tempted to make an appointment and visit you next time they come to do their hair. If you develop a good relationship with the hair salon staff, they will recommend you to their clients, and you can return the favor.

Choose a perfect location for your day spa business in the virtual world too

Having an online presence is now more critical than ever. At the moment, people don’t spend too much time outside their homes and working areas, so the Internet is the best place to reach them and offer your services. You might need a marketing expert to help you grow your spa social media, but the effort will most likely be worthwhile.

We hope our tips will help you choose the perfect location for your day spa business. Good luck!

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