Acne affects up to 95% of the adolescent population in western societies. Up to 54% of adults will suffer from some degree of skin condition. And, amongst the middle-aged, 3% of men, and 12% of women will continue to experience acne breakouts. 

What makes acne hard to control is there is no one cause of the skin condition. Specific products, hormones, diet, stress, and genetic fluctuations can be to blame. 

But, don’t despair just yet. It is not all doom and gloom. There are ways to achieve acne-clear skin. Read on to find out more.  

  1. Clean Your Face Thoroughly

One way to reduce acne breakouts is to keep your skin clean. For this, we recommend that you resort to using lukewarm water for a thorough clean. Wash your face in the morning and evening, every single day. 

And please, remove makeup at night to allow your skin to breathe. 

For people who sweat a lot, constant washing may become a routine. Don’t let the sweat stay on your face for long periods. If you are on the road, consider carrying wet wipes. Buy the non-perfumed, product-free types.  

When washing the skin, do not scrub it.  Scrubbing can lead to skin irritation, resulting in a breakout.   

  1. Be Picky About the Products You Use

The market is full of products promising quick cures for acne. But, it does not hurt to be picky about what you use. Look for products that have scientific backing behind them.

Take the example of Phylabiotics. Their serum targets bacteria that cause acne, without killing the good ones. Remember, the key to good skin is to allow good bacteria to thrive. Harmful bacteria feed on sebum or the natural oil your body produces. 

Yet, sebum is critical for maintaining the skin barrier. The Phylabiotics solutions use phages to attack and kill acne bacteria.  

It is important to keep away from products that contain harmful ingredients. Knowing what goes into the skin care products that you use is important. 

Here is a tip to follow. Read the ingredients on the labels before buying. Do not be afraid to whip out your phone to do a Google search if there is an item you don’t know. 

Once you pick the right product, follow recommendations on usage. Over or underusing can lead to negative results.  

  1. Moisturize, Cleanse, and Exfoliate

You have oily skin, so there is no point in moisturizing right? Well, the answer is no. It is important to do all you can to ensure the skin never dries. 

So, look for a product that is specific to those with oily skin. Acne will get worse if the skin is too dry or too oily. The right product will provide the perfect balance. 

Cleansers also work great to keep your skin clean. Look for mild, alcohol-free ones that will be gentle on your skin. 

Exfoliating removes dead skin cells. Leaving them on will result in clogged pores and breakouts. Avoid facial scrubs that will irritate the skin.  

  1. Stop Popping or Squeezing the Pimples

You spot a couple of pimples on your forehead. The first course of action that comes to mind is to get rid of them immediately. The best way to do this is by popping or squeezing them. If this describes anything that you do, stop it immediately. 

You are only making things worse. And, you could infect the sites, leading to more problems. It doesn’t stop there though. Constant picking of the zits could lead to scarring.

  1. Practice Healthy Lifestyle Choices

 Some things that are part of your lifestyle could be contributing to acne. These include:-

  • Poor diet choices. Keep away from junk, oily, or processed foods. Opt for plenty of vegetables and fruits.  Avoid sugar, and don’t forget to hydrate.
  • Stop smoking and drinking. Do note though, alcohol, in itself, will not cause acne. At least no research supports this. But, Alcohol can affect some systems in the body including hormones. This is what will cause the breakout. There is research to support linkages between acne onset and smoking. ‘Smokers acne’ does not present it the normal way. Instead of pimples, there is pore blockage, resulting in blackheads and bumps. 
  •  Lack of enough, quality sleep
  • Manage stress levels through yoga, exercise, meditation, or any healthy activity that relaxes you
  • Make the use of sunscreen a daily routine. No matter the weather, or whether you leave the house, protect your skin. Look for a sunscreen that has UVB and UVA protection. The SPF should never be below 30. Those with fairer skin should opt for a higher SPF. 
  • Avoid unnecessary skin exposure if you are prone to acne attacks. A wide-brimmed hat and long sleeves are a good idea if the sun is hot.
  1. Consult a Professional

Acne can be pretty stubborn. Trying multiple ways to get rid of them may not work. At this point, the best course of action is to see a dermatologist. They have the relevant experience to diagnose, treat, or control acne.

Further, protect your skin by making sure that the dermatologist or skin professional you have booked an appointment with is highly experienced. It is recommended to look into their credentials and experiences. It will also be helpful to look at past client reviews to help you make this crucial decision. 

Final Thoughts 

Acne can be distressing and unsightly. But, there are things you can do to reduce breakouts. We have shared some things you can do in our article. 

Clean, moisturize and cleanse every day. Exfoliate once in a while, using gentle actions and products. Take care when buying skincare products. 

Only use those that are free of harsh chemicals and will help the skin flourish. Phylabiotics, for instance, kill unhealthy bacteria, without harming good ones. If you have a breakout avoid touching, popping, or squeezing the zits.

And, a few lifestyle changes can give you clear, healthy skin. Finally, if none of the tips work, see a dermatologist.