While you’re working remotely, market your services to your clients by creating valuable content.

As the world hunkers down and self-isolates, we’re all glued to digital means of communication and information-gleaning. While checking for the latest developments in the fight against coronavirus, remember that promotional products end-buyers are also looking for ways to continue serving their customers. Suppliers and distributors can use inbound marketing tactics to let customers know they can help.
Inbound marketing is the process of creating valuable digital content for your audience to consume on their own terms that can position you as a subject matter expert and thought leader, minus the hard sell.
Not surprisingly, spending habits have changed drastically in a matter of weeks. According to Suzy, a consumer insights platform, more than 70% of Americans are now “very concerned” about COVID-19, with top areas of worry being family health, personal health, job security, the economy and spreading the virus to others. That’s up from 47% just two weeks ago. Almost 60% believe the crisis will last for three months. Concerns are very primitive at the moment, and marketing must be sensitive to that.
In these strange times we’re living in, it’s more important than ever to position yourself as a calm, focused marketing partner who’s got your clients’ backs as they try to figure out their next business steps. As states implement restrictive health measures, communicate with customers about current business hours and any restrictions on turn times. Disseminate immediate logistics information, while also thinking more strategically about how to weather the situation alongside your clients, and form relationships with prospects along the way who will remember you when things settle down.
“We all have to stay in action,” says Erin Joy, founder and CEO of Black Dress Circle, a St. Louis-based business consulting and coaching firm for women. “Even though we don’t know exactly what’ll happen, executives and business leaders who stay engaged will drive creativity right now and will survive and stay on top.”
Offer useful information on social media.
Millions of people are spending even more time on social to keep up to date with virus news, but messaging needs to be intentional and sensitive in the face of this unprecedented situation. “It’s a great time to benefit from more traffic,” says Dave Farrow, CEO and founder of PR and marketing firm Darrow Communications in Buffalo. “But make sure it’s not tone-deaf. One company said they’re open and cleaning, and they were eviscerated on social because the government’s telling everyone to stay home, no matter what. That’ll lighten up over the next couple weeks.”
It’s acceptable – in fact, expected – to put coronavirus up front in social media marketing. “State it right off the bat,” says Farrow. “Say something like, ‘You’re stuck in the house, so take this online course or check out these product ideas to fight the boredom.’ ”