Spas provide services that focus on the overall wellness of their clients. People go to spas to relieve their stress and anxiety from their daily endeavors in life. Spa owners make sure that they provide top-quality service to maintain a good relationship with their customers. If you are a spa owner, follow these tips to maximize the spa guest experience, gain more customers, and increase the popularity of your spa.

Value Every Call

A client calling your spa is always great news for your business. Whether the caller is a returning or a new client, you need to provide them with adequate information on your services. Your clients will appreciate how your receptionist entertains their call. Ensure that your receptionist has proper training in taking calls and must know about your spa’s services, a client’s history, and professional recommendations. 

Your receptionist must always be kind to your clients to provide an exemplary guest experience. Your spa’s reputation starts with how you entertain your client’s calls and the ability to answer their queries, such as what treatments they should receive, the right treatments for them, service costs, and whether they can purchase affordable over-the-counter medication

Come Up With Ease of Booking

With today’s technology, your spa should be able to accommodate online bookings from clients. It is also best that you have a good website where clients can visit and should be able to set an appointment easily. They should also be able to provide their details and make payments on your website.

It is essential to provide excellent customer support whenever clients have questions. Clients should be able to send their comments and suggestions to help you improve your services and maintain a good reputation.

Give Rewards to Loyal Customers

One way of increasing the number of returning customers would be offering a loyalty or rewards program. You should also consider clients who share their good guest experience with your spa and give them incentives like complimentary treatments. Your spa needs someone to gather clients’ information such as birthdates, anniversaries, and other celebrations so that you can send them offers about treatments which they would probably appreciate.

Overlooking a Check Out

If clients don’t have a pleasant experience at your spa, your receptionist should address their concerns about the services and see to it that your clients don’t leave unhappy. This ensures that your client may still return. Come up with an approach to entertain their concerns and apply a “service recovery” to save your relationship with a client.

Guest Experience Auditing

To maintain your spa’s exemplary services, you need to know your guest experience and consider it to improve your business. To test your spa services, you may ask the help of your friends or family to avail of the services and evaluate their experience. This would help your business maintain a set of standards and carry out consistently to valuable clients. Guest experience auditing will also determine specific areas of weaknesses, which you should focus on improving.

Final Thoughts

Providing a good guest experience is your top priority for your spa. Your reputation depends on your clients’ feedback and recommendations. The bottom line is that your customers should be satisfied with your services, and they get to be relieved from stress and anxiety.