Overeating is common and involves eating even after you’re full. When overeating becomes a habit, it can result in eating disorders. Overeating can lead to excess body fat and a high risk of diseases. When overeating becomes chronic, it causes obesity and also promotes insulin resistance, which, if not controlled, can result in type 2 diabetes. While it might be difficult to overcome overeating, implementing the right tricks and techniques can effectively address the problem. In this article, you will learn how to stop overeating. 

Try hypnosis 

Hypnosis involves putting one in a trance-like state and is characterized by complete relaxation and intense focus. This technique is commonly used for weight loss by helping individuals establish healthier relationships with food while minimizing cravings. Hypnosis can effectively address overeating by resolving its underlying causes, such as stress, emotional triggers, and more. The benefits of hypnosis for food cravings and overeating include: 

  • Developing healthier eating habits: Hypnosis reduces your cravings for unhealthy foods while developing a good understanding of your satiety signals and your body’s hunger 
  • Minimizing stress and anxiety: This technique lowers your anxiety and stress levels, primary overeating triggers. With the help of relaxation strategies, positive recommendations, and focused calmness, hypnosis helps you feel more in control, lowering the possibility of using food for comfort 
  • Helping overcome emotional eating: Hypnosis helps resolve the underlying emotional concerns that drive your eating behavior 

Practice mindful eating 

Mindful eating is a strategy that enables you to manage your eating habits better. It helps support weight loss while reducing eating disorder behaviors. Mindful eating involves implementing mindfulness to gain full attention to your cravings, physical signs when eating, and experiences. When you eat mindfully, your attention is restored, and you slow down, which makes eating more intentional. 

By improving your recognition of fullness cues and physical hunger, differentiating between physical and emotional hunger becomes easier. Mindful eating boosts your awareness of things that make you want to eat even if you aren’t hungry. It equips you with the skills to manage unhealthy eating behavior impulses. 

Prioritize foods that make you feel fuller for longer 

People who feel hungry most of the time find it difficult not to overeat. Opting for more filling foods can help ensure you don’t overeat. When picking foods that make you feel fuller longer, consider the following: 

  • Healthy fats: Omega 3 fatty acids and other healthy fats have an impact on satiety and release appetite hormones to regulate your appetite by slowing the rate at which the stomach empties after digestion 
  • Protein: Eating protein-rich foods keeps you fuller while burning more calories 
  • Fiber: Since fiber takes longer to go through your digestive system, incorporating high-fiber foods in your diet can help you feel fuller longer, preventing overeating in your next meal 

Foods that help you stay fuller longer include: 

  • Whole grains 
  • Fish 
  • Legumes and beans 
  • Oatmeal 
  • Nuts 
  • Fruits and vegetables and more 
  1. Monitor your food consumption 

Tracking everything you eat daily can help you stop overeating. It enables you to become more aware of what you consume so you can make the necessary changes. When you know what you eat, making healthier options becomes easier. Additionally, tracking food intake enables one to identify patterns in their eating habits. If you turn to food when bored or stressed, you can find that out and know how to cope with the emotions instead of turning to food. 


Overeating can be hard to overcome, especially after becoming chronic or a habit. Consider using these tips to stop overeating.