Jennifer Thompson

Jennifer Thompson

Iredale Mineral Cosmetics

Interesting things about you and the business you are in?

Company Name: Iredale Mineral Cosmetics


Title: Director of Business Development – US

Years in the Industry: 28

Please note the top 3 unique things people should know about your business. – We are privately owned, still after 22 years, thank you Jane!

We live and breath a customer service model. M&M… Memorable and Magical.

We have the largest number of physical field staff in the industry, larger than most skin care brands! 75 brilliant managers/consultants/ educators and retail specialist to help our partners reach their financial goals.

What is the “hot offering” in your selection of products, and why? – Our foundations support Four important functions the consumer is actively seeking: a foundation, concealer, sunscreen and active skin care benefits bundled into one product.

Our products are ‘anywhere’ products. They are so clean and hypo-allergenically tested that you can wear lip products on your eyes and eye products on your cheeks!

Our research and development team lead the industry in product introductions, putting our products ‘on trend but never trendy’.

Give us one or two tips on the best products to retail.  Lips! Lip products in all styles from crayons to gloss to hydration balms. The average female carries 3 lip products on her at all times.

Bronzers! They make everyday a beautiful day because of their flexibility. Whether you need to blend the skin from too much sun, slim for a photo outing or fill in for eyes, cheeks and lips… You’ll be covered, literally!

What trade shows do you like to attend? We have attended them all over our 22 years in business. Most recently we have thoroughly enjoyed the initimate functions from GBWE, SPATEC, GSN and Live Love Spa. These formats allows us to get to know one another and build life long relationships whether they net us in instant or future business. And our most beloved organization ISPA, we have been a proud platinum sponsor since their inception.

What do your clients tell you they love about your business and how you operate? Product performance, they can trust in the results which carries down to the services and product recommendations the service provider shares with their customers. Trust is essential and we aim to earn it.

Integrity, we stand behind our message to improve woman’s lives.

Transparency, we share all our ingredients, visible on our website so any consumer with specific allergies can be informed. We admit when we make a mistake and shout from the roof tops when we get it right!

What is the top challenge you’re able to solve for your clients? Profits! There is an enormous amount of potential in helping people find their most natural and beautiful self. This is a humbling quest we are eager to take on. To see our partners change their clients lives and then along the way they generate the profits their businesses deserves is the best challenge we can take on!

What trends do you see coming this year? The trends are not necessarily new trends, in turn they are more clearly defined and that is the consumer is focused on the betterment of their health. How their aging, needed rest, wellness inside and out. They will be looking for this from those brands willing to take on that responsibility for their well being.

If you are not working…what are you doing? I definitely don’t still still. My most enjoyable moments are spending it with my fury friend Kelsie. She is an Australian Sheppard who is convinced she is a person. We walk, jog, run, play, eat and sleep by each other’s side. I enjoy mowing our lawn each weekend, its a great 500 calorie burn! My husband and I prefer grilling and enjoying cooking than dining out since our careers keep us on the road often. Our teenage daughter will soon be off to college and I’ve really enjoyed these past few years as she has become a young adult learning about all life has to offer. Lastly our media room, Clay and enjoy movie watching with a glass of wine and popcorn!!

Recent books or movies you’ve enjoyed? Super excited that Star Wars has come back around. I remember the excitement of the first Star Wars in 1977 and how it shaped imagination and created dinner conversation for years to come. It was sad to have closure of Hunger Games as it was a series i enjoyed sharing with my daughter Tessa. I’ve been addicted to Homeland and The Game of Thrones, which I rejected watching for many series but my husband finally got me to cave in.

Reading I leave to the plethora of magazines that fill my mailbox and I Love everyone of them!!

Favorite vacation taken? Playa del Carmen, Iberstar/ properties. Its a quick 2 hour flight into Cancun from Dallas and this brand really knows how to cater to their customers. We have been back numerous times and have made life-long friendships from around the globe.

If you were not in a spa career, what would you be doing? Fashion, my inspiring professional goal was to be a buyer for Bloomingdales. Though my biggest love is for Tennis and to be a commentator would be a dream come true!

Anything else you would like to share? I love our industry. Its the only industry where the consumer allows you to touch them emotional and physically, with the openness to mend their heart. We have the power to change peoples lives and bring their most confident inner self to the forefront. I am forever grateful for this experience.