Lauren Olson
Radiance Advanced Skin and Body Care
Interesting things about you and the business you are in?
Spa/Company Name: Radiance Advanced Skin and Body Care
How did you end up in the industry? I worked in medicine as a Physician Assistant. I saw the need for a new model of health care combined with the old model of “spa”.
If you are not working…what are you doing? I love to travel with my husband and spend time with family especially granddaughter Emma.
Favorite vacation taken? Always love Maui, but did a WWII 70th anniversary of D day tour in France that was unforgettable.
If you were not in a spa career, what would you be doing? Interior Designer
Spa/Facility info:
What best describes your spa? Medical Spa
Total square footage of your facility? 4,300
How many treatment rooms do you have? 8
What new treatments have you added recently? PRP, O-shot, bio-identical hormone replacement, micro-needling
What is your signature treatment? Ultherapy
What percentage of your business comes from Retail sales? 36%