Hi friends, you can always build a new mouse trap…a better one is questionable, but hey, we don’t stand in the way of technology. Want to improve Down Dog? Check out this article from Fast Company


Like many other yoga enthusiasts, Billie Whitehouse sometimes struggles with her form. “I never know if I’m doing it right,” she says. “I always love it when the instructor comes and corrects my form.” But yogis practicing alone in the comfort of their living room are left to figure it out for themselves. Whitehouse, the cofounder and CEO of technology company Wearable Experiments, realized she was in a unique position to bridge the gap. So she and her cofounder Ben Moir created Nadi, smart exercise tights that correct a wearer’s alignment using haptic feedback in the form of subtle vibrations.

From the outside, the Nadi tights don’t appear particularly high-tech. There are no wires or gadgets protruding from the fabric. But woven between the nylon layers are tiny electronics meant to sit on a wearer’s hips, knees, and ankles. These electronics communicate with one another to determine where the user’s body parts are in relation to one another. “It’s a wireless network for the body,” Moir says. “We have a motion sensor in each part of the tights that knows exactly what angle you’re in.”

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