Williamsburg, Virginia

Connect2Concepts, LLC, a women owned technology company based in North Carolina, has partnered with Kate Mearns, a spa industry veteran and consultant with 5 Spa Consulting to launch Connect2MySpa, a software solution designed specifically for the fitness, sport and spa industries. Connect 2MySpa offers efficient and paperless solutions to streamline and support daily operational processes.


 Simplify and Streamline Operations

 Maximize Mobility and Dynamic Reporting

 Updated Training Methods for the New Generation

 Improve Communication

 Reduce Risk

“Since launching in April of 2015, Connect2 has had the pleasure of working with colleges, universities, municipal parks and recreation departments, and leisure facilities all over the country. We have partnered with recognized expert, Kate Mearns of 5 Spa Consulting, to customize Connect2MySpa to meet the unique needs of the industry.” – Jennifer Jacobs, Owner

Connect2Concepts, LLC is a women owned technology company focused on providing software solutions to the recreation, fitness, leisure, entertainment, sport and spa industries.

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Kate Mearns at 757-810-2105 or email at [email protected].

Contact Kate Mearns

Telephone 757-810-2105

Email [email protected]

Website www.5spaconsulting.com