Women dominate the wellness industry, asserts Beth McGroarty, director of research at the Global Wellness Institute.

“Not only are women large consumers in the world of wellness, but this has been one of the industries that has the most female CEOs and founders,” she says.

The proof is in the chia seed pudding. Women are starting a slew of new businesses, according to a 2017 report by American Express, and a good chunk of those are in the wellness sector, which GWI say is a $4.2 trillion industry.

“You’d be hard-pressed to name another multi-trillion-dollar industry where women represent the ‘majority shareholders,’ comprising most of the inventors, entrepreneurs, and practitioners — whether in fitness, mind-body, spa, wellness travel, or as HR leaders running workplace wellness programs,” the GWI stated in their 2018 trends report.

“At the invite-only 2017 Global Wellness Summit for the world’s top wellness leaders, 56% of the delegates were women,” the report continued.

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